
@im2fools: Jesus Christ. Why is it so hard for Gizmoducks to understand that MANY PEOPLE HAVE FAMILIES!?

@Dickeydoo: Rent/mortgage, student loans, car payments, health insurance, life insurance, car insurance, utility bills, cable bill, internet bill, groceries, bar bills, food away from home, and travel expenses can easily bring someone that high. I'm single and live alone and my monthly CC spending including loans and

@truthtellah: If you pay your balance off every month you're not incurring any debt. I pay for everything with my credit card because I get $200 Amazon gift-cards for every 3000 points I spend with it.

@touwe: Family plans.

"Either iPhone users spend more money on average, or they have more debt on average, or the simple averaging masks extreme expenditures at the high and low end. "

@Cptn.Rhodes: I think the serious pros always bring a spare. If it screws up during the match though that's just tough skittles. They play best of 3 matches, so they can swap out in between.

@HotChops: Wouldn't work. At least not as easily as you might thing. ME1 was balanced around no ammo. ME2 is balanced around there being ammo. It would completely change the dynamics of the game.

@pjcard: I was actually thinking about the salad dressings and sauces and stuff in that case.

@lostarchitect: Doubtful. Most of McDonald's menu is unhealthy for sure, but it's certainly no worse and is possibly even better, than the quality of food one finds at their local deli or greasy spoon. But you don't see generalized outcry about unhealthy restaurants in general. It's all focused on fast food.

@Captain Hook: As an Indian I wonder if I'm committing cultural appropriation with these here blue jeans I'm wearing.

@Flackette Knits A Lot: I grew up in the South and then moved up to DC and noticed a marked change in that sort of thing. It's not just with doors either, but pretty much any notion of sharing space or stuff.

@MooseOfDoom23: Not sure about dogs. AFAIK dogs only have rods so they see black and white. Maybe it goes over the IR spectrum but I'm not sure.

@AreWeThereYeti: It's not Intel's responsibility to include technologies in their chips. Do you realize how inane a regulation that would be? You would basically be saying that Intel is legally obligated to include EVERY SINGLE technology and standard on their chipsets regardless of how useful they are.

Reminds me of a photojournal I saw a while ago of Chernobyl.

@diredesire: Yea. It slows down transfer on copper cables because bending the wire actually increases the resistance. No such issue with fiber.

@HJTravels: What does morbidity have to do with anything?

@norazi: What? My month old Macbook Pro still has a Firewire port. It's pretty hard to get stuff that supports it these days, so I don't really see the non-power user market (which the Macbook and Macbook Air target) really benefiting from it any.