
@HJTravels: Wait. You're going to dismiss the study before even having seen it? This is the difference between being a health nut and health science. Health science isn’t supposed to be used as a kludge to validate your subjective aesthetic judgments.

Why does a yacht need a swimming pool?

@HJTravels: What's "extra" fat to you? The completely cut 2% body fat look isn't exactly good for a person either. In fact, it actually reduces your lifespan overall.

@HJTravels: You really have no idea what a healthy body weight is do you?

@the glamwich: Jesus Christ! She just poured herself an ENTIRE GLASS OF HYPNOTIQ!

@maude_flanders: Well being "seasoned" is what lets her hold it well.

@maude_flanders: Usually she pairs a cocktail with the recipe she inflicts on you. That cocktail is generally some canned fruit juice with a fuckton of vodka in it, and yet she seems to be able to drink it with no adverse reaction. That's a seasoned lush right there.

@Whitson Gordon: In wintertime too a hot shower keeps me in the shower longer.

@Methusalah: I don't mind boxy world. But that mod with a pretty sky is pretty damn fine.

@Neopolis: If you liked Mass Effect you might not like Fable. I'm in this camp. The character interactions are pretty shallow and the gameplay itself is kind of easy-mode.

Hey guys. Did anyone notice that the QWERTY keyboard there isn't QWERTY!? I bet I'm the first commenter to notice this. I bet if I bothered to read the comments, there wouldn't be 40 other threads all saying the exact same damn thing!

@phoghat: I don't get this "might once have been" business. Most of India is a tropical forest TODAY. Much of the land has been cut down and converted for agriculture/habitation, but outside the Deccan Plateau and Rajasthan it's mostly jungle.

@verziehenone: Apparently she lost a bar costume contest to some girl in a bikini with a feather in her hair.