
@urmab501: He has a wife and 4 kids. What makes you think he lives by himself?

@Evster88: But then you have an entire bottle of black nail polish in your house afterwards and your lady will start suspecting you of sleeping with Goth chicks.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Oh I don't dispute their right to print whatever they want, and I am actually interested in the article itself. But the page links at the end have nothing to do with it. And some of them go back to 2008! When you link to an outdated headline about Steve Jobs stepping down you

Ah. I think I like the article ending's deep linking of completely unrelated pages in a blatant attempt at search engine optimization the most.

@unknownsock: Also his tiger uppercut is weaksauce now.

@Ashurahori: Strangely, I actually win more fights as Dan than I do as Hakan.

@ibro911: Guy and Fuerte vs. each other is some of the most hectic, panic inducing gaming ever.

@unknownsock: He walks REALLY slowly. It takes a bit of getting used to.

@MrPerson: I am genuinely surprised by how bad a lot of Ken players are though. I’m not even a hardcore player, but it’s just Fierce punch SHORYUKEN! over and over and over again. You would think after an entire round of having it be blocked and then getting thrown or EXed they’d figure "Hey. Maybe I should learn to

@Mune: Pssh. I was maining Adon way before it was cool. Why don't people just pick who they like. How many of us are really going to dedicate enough time to be competition level?

@El Pollo Loco: I keep a case on standby. Normal daily activities I don’t need it. Sometimes if I anticipate a high chance of being in a hurry, being inebriated, being lost/stressed out, or being in any other sort of situation where my probability of dropping things are increased I’ll put it on.

@crimsoneye: First 3 iPhones had roughly the same form-factor. I would think you're not going to see a radical departure until at least the iPhone 7.

I have a bunch of stuff I would rather have high-end and made of wood than my phone case.

@GeicoCaveman: It's a $200 eee PC. How much resale value did you think it would have?

@Metkis: I think the 2007 MBP line was cursed. That was the model with the logic board issues, the battery issues, and the fit-and-finish on the chassis was just sloppy.

@lvlln: Is software support dropping? It seems to me like there just isn't much envelope to push in the desktop world right now while there are a lot of features to develop in smartphones.

@robot-shmobot: How is it a sad reality? Look at this chart:

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: My G3 iBook served me well until the logic board failed about 8 years later. In her final 3.5 years she had gone into retirement, spending her days playing Bejewled with my mother and helping her do her taxes.

"The usual suspects may scream, but the iPhone 4 and the rest of the iOS devices are now not only the bread and butter of the company, but also its most basic core."

@Fvash: None of this seems particularly meant for games in particular. Lots of tasks improve muscle memory. Training heavily in any finesse sport such as tennis or martial arts will do the same in addition to other health benefits.