
@Hearthatvoiceagain says POO: "Shit that I don't like" =/= "They made a mistake." They created the platform they set out to make. If they realized their vision and that vision leads to them making money hand over fist, what's the mistake?

@Yeah!: Bigger developer community - More amateur hour

@DrunkenMessiah: What configurations? They're consoles so it's simple. You need 3 port-strips each with inputs for HDMI, VGA, cat-5, and power.

@DrunkenMessiah: It actually seems it would be smarter if it could accommodate all the consoles at once.

@shooter: "Doing something" usually means having a decent intelligence network that can spot problems and a tight, focused law enforcement mechanism that can quickly investigate and try perpetrators. It does NOT mean hassling people as they try to go about their daily business. It does NOT mean everyone stays at home

@Tim the Enchanter: MS Word still does obnoxious automatic corrections. To this day, I still cannot do brainstorming or basic outlining on MS Word without getting annoyed at all the ways it mangles the arrangement of what I'm doing.

OS X sort of does this. My mother’s first reaction when she saw the dock icon bounce was "I think it’s trying to tell you something." It’s more like the entire OS has a personality rather than any single avatar though. The key is that unless an issue is super-important and has to be handled RIGHT THE HELL NOW OS X

@Powerlurker: I think they just sound out the whole word.

@tomsomething: Guilt? I only feel guilt when I’m dealing with a small business. Corporate department stores have the resources to let me try on a shirt before buying it. They can use some of the money they saved buying a giant pile of shirts wholesale from China to pay someone to repackage clothing.

@jemandtheholograms: In a perfect world we’d all just buy enough outfits to last us a week or so and make sure they were all tailored and high quality. Once upon a time people would be like "Oh hey. You’re wearing your yellow shirt. It must be Wednesday!"

@archaeo_girl: It’s not ease. The general rule is that while standing you should be able to fit two fingers sideways into the pants without them feeling tight. Two fingers is about an inch to an inch and a half of give.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Looking at that equation, it seems you get a big bonus for having big words. So I wonder if the Indians skew their score up simply by writing down their last names.

@Hello Mister Walrus: That’s how the rest of the world abbreviates it. It makes more sense if you think about it. It’s an abbreviation for mathematics, which is plural.

@Romple: That's actually a little above the national average, which is about 8th grade.

@ThinkerTDM: I don’t know how interesting that question is. I suspect none but the most radical types would say it’s racist to acknowledge that different people are, well, different. If they weren’t why would it be so enriching to learn about people from different backgrounds.

@monsterblues: Temperature measurements that aren't Kelvin?

@Archaotic: Um. Yea it should. Do you realize how much processor power realistic hair would hog? Would you rather have hair or a prettier everything else? There is a reason you only see realistic hair in pre-rendered CGI.

@Archaotic: "Quite easily?' Convincingly animating hair just to do something as simple as clipping properly against the character's own body is trouble enough. Add in clipping issues with other people and things plus the difficulties with properly animating the stuff as "easy" is not a word I would use.

So Bioware is using data about how much time people spend on doing stuff to determine how much to put into their games.