
@snarky30: Yup. And Thomas Crapper is why we call it "Taking a crap."

I’m pretty sure the name "Crapper" wasn’t a coincidence. Because Crapper made it popular the term came into existence.

@woohoo: I think the problem here is that you're regarding a monopoly as an ethical issue rather than an economic definition. A monopoly is simply a producer who is a sole supplier to the market. Microsoft was a monopoly for a few years through the 90s, but they're not anymore.

@woohoo: No it wouldn't, because there are still other car manufacturers on the market. Get it? If you don't like Apple's options you're free to buy another computer.

@numo16: Stop shopping in crappy big-box stores.

@woohoo: Apple was never the only producer of computers. In would need to be so in order to be a monopoly. To say Apple is a monopoly because they restrict how people use THEIR product is like saying Chevron is a monopoly for having a Chevron card.

@aceofcakes: Maybe you should save judgment of beer quality for people who actually drink beer rather than people who repeat hearsay from other people who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: Well the Guinness cans are nice because they have that weird little frothing widget that spins like a dervish once you depressurize the can.

@Lemonade: I get a kick out of pseudo beer-snobs excoriating American beer while sipping on their "sophisticated" Heinekens and Amstels. It was that kind of unconsidered snobbery that led to the Frenchies losing their shit when a few humble Napa Valley shoe-string vinyards kicked their tails in a blind taste-test.

@unclemeat79: Recommending stuff based on what you’re looking at?

@Mecharine: Such a rule exists. The problem is that often-times the low-level clerks approving these patents are generalists. That is to say they're expected to handle patents on everything from high-end pharmaceuticals to washing machine systems to database administration tools. They can’t be expected to be savvy as

@blub: While we can never be sure about counterfactuals, something tells me Xerox didn’t really understand what they had going in terms of mass market appeal. I think if it stayed in their labs without being ripped off by Jobs it would have been another 3 or 4 years before we got widespread adoption of GUIs on

So Paul Allen is basically suing the entire internet? Brilliant.

@fury161: The Macintosh was a paradigm shift in computing and the reason for that was the mouse and the GUI. That was the innovative part of the invention. The rest is just upgrading specs.

@woohoo: Maybe you should review was "monopoly" means.

I thought the answer was Xerox. . .