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@Taggart6: Poison's trans? But. . . I have all these magazines and. . . OH GOD! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

@MrGOH: Not being a dick is easy. But when you feel the need to pressure people to include GLBT issues or whatever other pet issue of yours in their stories is asking them to bend over backwards. That's not their artistic vision. It's not the game they went out to create. Why is it expected that other groups should be

@MrGOH: I realize how it works, but I also don't see why people should be expected to bend over backwards to accommodate other stuff. Generally people want to live their lives according to the norms and culture they feel comfortable with. When you have external forces coming down and saying "You need to change to make

@MrGOH: On the other hand, why is it that White males are always expected to take time out of doing whatever it is they want to do in order to accommodate everyone else who wants them to tailor their projects to their wants? There needs to be give as well as take. My gripe is with where the priorities are being laid

You know, I consider myself pretty plugged in to alternative subcultures. As an Indian Hindu who grew up in the Bible-Beltiest town ever I even know what it is to be ostracized from the mainstream.

@cfive3: Yes. Teal/Cyan and Orange. Everything must be teal and orange. Everything ever.

@colormist: Hughes won my appreciation when I read the title of his book.

@artistentropy: James Jean is great. His covers to Fables have been brilliant without exception.

@Oleander: Perhaps true for you, but I know girls who are very shy and don't actually know how to flirt or even really communicate interest. When they get hit on their default reaction is to get blushy and scram whether they were interested in the guy or not.

Strange. As affluence goes up texting goes down.

@savethispatient: "I don't want to root the phone: I just want it to work."

@Darth Pugz: Hulu doesn't do sports or premium channels. I think this is mostly of concern for those of us who have a series on HBO or Showtime that we don't want to miss.

@MifuneT: I can see channels agreeing to do a flat monthly rate for all their shows. But I really think you'd be subscribing on a channel by channel basis rather than show by show. I just don't see the profit for the content providers in it coming any other way.

For the people for whom this actually matters, wouldn't they just root the phone anyway?

@negativenina: You're not referencing institutionalized sexism though. The argument basically went "Pregnant women are told they can't do whatever they want."

@negativenina: Are people seriously thinking that male OB/GYNs are participating in some plot to assert control over pregnant women to feel in control over a pregnancy that they have nothing to do with?

That meritline case looks like the pattern on my ironing board.

@falandil: And you would allow such a man to marry your sister?

@LindyLou: I’d reckon very little, being as how it’s generally the grandmas to be and various other women who push the rules.