
@Jason Chen: But I like the thrill of not knowing whose calling me until the conversation with them has already been initiated.

@Vidikron: The may look cool, but some digital switchboards these days don’t recognize the "click-click-click-click" so you’ll end up having to use your phone to get the touch-tone.

@Huey Freeman: Well by the time Queen Victoria was in power it was mostly Parliament. But the worst offenses against the natives usually happened once a colony was well established and European women started moving in. In part they didn't like the men traipsing around with native girls and in part they wanted to

I wonder why they keep releasing new Madden games. At this point they can just release one game and then do annual roster updates through DLC. They're not altering the mechanics much from year to year I don't think. And even if they did, that's not why dudebros play it.

@Huey Freeman: Ditto ditto ditto. The Nepalese Maoists are not nice people by any standard. Insofar as women have rights it's just because they had a hard time recruiting adequate forces otherwise. The Tamil Tigers had a lot of female fighters too, those would be the guys who practically invented suicide bombing.

@CC: In fact, in cultures as undeveloped as Latin America, Southern Europe, and Japan it’s not uncommon for adults to live with their parents until they’re married. The notion of living by yourself is considered weird in a lot of places. People prefer to have families and a sense of community. Not everyone is as

This is actually where that Nextel walkie-talkie feature would come in really handy. You get the short, single-message communiqué without having to fiddle around with a keyboard.

"Emerging adulthood" is a misnomer. It should be called "indentured servitude" as we save up every spare dollar we earn to purchase our freedom from Sallie Mae and her sisters for furnishing us with the education we were told would be required in order to be a productive citizen.

@acidrain69: You can't change the video card on an MBP. The model number is fine since they all come in standard flavors.

Wow. PZ Myers is an Associate Professor somewhere? Does he teach classes?

Wasn't he supposed to be working on a Robocop remake? Where is it!?

Don't blame him. Here's the thing you gotta understand about John Mellencamp.

@skywalker24: But your arguments do boil down to "Because" and "Boo terrorism." I've already said nobody is going to hold up a plane with a pocket knife. Pocket knives just aren't very dangerous weapons. You can't even damage any vital organs with them. At most you will end up scratching someone, right before the rest

@skywalker24: I'll change a great deal if it actually makes travel safer. What I don't enjoy doing is participating in farcical security theater designed to give security people busy-work rather than actually do anything that makes us safer.

@willyolio: I don't think you understand. The same port outputs both line-in AND optical depending on what you plug in there. So if you have an unpowered device it'll be analog. If you have a higher end system it will output optical.

@Eptin: I think the time-limit on editing posts might have passed for you. The pics stays.

@skywalker24: Why? You're not giving anybody a cogent reason for why I should structure my life around asinine regulations aside from vague assertions that "I don't need it" as if you know better. Do you wonder why people resent TSA? Because that right there is it.

@Eptin: The Mac Pro has no mic input? That just seems. . .silly. Especially given its use as a high-end computer that, presumably, might be used by sound mixers and such.

@Worf: "Measurebator" great neologism or greatest neologism?