
@ament001: I noticed the same thing. They could at least start it at the point where people actually get drivers licenses.

You seem to be under some misapprehensions as to how the Apple/Liquid-Metal deal works.

@Top_failure: And his pet dragon, which heats the rice.

@Gann: You can also make your foreman grill into a makeshift panini press by leaving your books on top of it.

@Top_failure: I still like to imagine that a tiny wizard lives inside the springy area.

@koali: My roommate once washed my rice-cooker with steel-wool.

@UCLAri: To say nothing of the fact that use of webapps on mobile devices might actually increase dependence on the full website at home. Before the iPhone I checked facebook once a day at most. Now I've gotten in the habit of skimming my newsfeed whenever I get bored whether at my desk or on the road.

Seems to me like someone needs to get their heads around the idea that proportion and total use are not the same thing.

This critique seems about 5 years out of date given that the Wii is the exact opposite of what he's complaining about and MS and Sony are both stumbling over themselves to mimic it.

"But the two groups are flirting with a compromise that could lessen radio broadcasters' fee (to the tune of a more manageable $100 million a year) in exchange for a mandate from Congress that all phones, PDAs, and other portable electronics must contain FM radio chips."

@skywalker24: I might be able to take that claim seriously if the TSA actually hired security experts to formulate its guidelines rather than a bunch of random career bureaucrats who seriously think a water-bottle is a threat to national security.

@necgray: Are you willfully misunderstanding what I'm saying or am I not making myself clear.

@skywalker24: No smarty. I need to use the knife once I get to my destination. You seem to forget that people don't fly for the sake of flying. They fly for the sake of being somewhere.

@Frank_Berns: Mobile gaming is for people who often find themselves taking a ride in trains, planes, and/or automobiles.

@ataturk returns: Fact is my iPhone gaming is basically for 10 minutes at a time while I'm riding the train to work and back. It's not the sort of thing I would sit down and do. For one thing, I like my phone to have battery life. For another thing, the touch-screen just doesn't make for good gaming. There is no

@ebe3692: LOL at "trained terrorist." If watching how these idiots get caught has taught us anything it is that they are not the fearsome or ingenious fiends we like to imagine they are. They seem to be, by and large, nerds. Generally physically inept and playing soldier with AK-47s out in the middle of nowhere. Those

@necgray: Society always stumbles into where it ends up. Do you really think to collective aggregation of millions of people can ever be said to "choose" something? That doesn't make sense. The point is, cushy office life isn't the life we evolved for and it takes a lot of energy to maintain it at its current level of

@uttc16: Nobody is ever going to be able to hold up a plane with a box-cutter ever again now that people know what the consequences are. On 9/11 people assumed it would be like any other hijacking where they make inane demands, land the plane, and then get arrested for being idiots. Now that we know they're much much

@necgray: On the flip-side, my co-worker whines and moans about each and every minor inconvenience in his life like a little nancy-boy. So there's something to be said for shutting the hell up, putting your head down, and doing what you need to do without whining. His being too much of a sissy to stand-up to his

@dataPOG: Your homework for today is to learn what a "bubble" is.