
@skywalker24: It's not for you to decide what my reasons for carrying things are. I carry a pocket-knife with me because it's a handy thing to have when I need to pry, cut, or peel things. It's something I've done since I was a wee lad and for a long time it was expected that a gentleman would have a small utility

@skywalker24: I can't just break the hinge and have two knives?

@NathanielSpace: People who want an iPad will get an iPad. If Asus just makes a cheap iPad type netbook then all they get are people who wanted an iPad and didn't want to shell out for one. That kind of customer base is fickle and they're destined to be unhappy with whatever you give them.

@techynottreky: Imagine if we invent FTL, forget we ever sent Voyager out there, beat it to a distant star, and then wonder where the hell this weird little probe came from and why it's able to speak in these weird languages that sound kind of like ours but are totally different.

"It will take forty thousand years for Voyager I to be within 1.6 light years of another star, after leaving the Solar System: AC+79 3888 in the Ophiuchus constellation."

@Alduron: Oh please. "When it falls it's going to fall hard" is a statement with pretty obvious implications. When Henny Penny clucks about the sky falling nobody assumes she means "at some indeterminate point in the future." The implication is that doom is impending.

@Alduron: Thank you Mr. Investor. Do you have any rational basis for why you think their stock will fall? Is their P/E Ratio not good enough? Do they not have strong enough products coming down the pipeline?

Why are we comparing two companies that do very different things? The only place Apple and Google overlap is in creating OSes for smartphones and in creating browsers and even in those cases the revenue stream from the project is different. The Android revenue stream is from hoarding data and selling Ads. The iOS

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: Sometimes I need to unscrew things once I reach my destination instead of having to buy and stash a tool-set in each and every city I visit.

@Shivver: TSA jokes will never get stale because TSA regulations will never stop being arbitrary and asinine.

- A set of bound cahier notepads

@Squalor: No no. Anyone who values different things in their devices than me is obviously ignorant and doesn't know what they're doing. Everyone should be required to buy a 1337 gaming rig with at least a Radeon 56XX and an i5 or they must be stupid.

@goaliegeek: HDDs are cheap. Nice TVs are expensive. Additionally, you might need to replace HDDs more often than you replace a TV. It makes more sense to keep them separate.

@cicadymn: Hurr hurr Apple is overpriced and their users can't computer. I R so smrt and sophisticated. Hurr.

Look! I found a mockup of what an Apple made TV would look like:

@telepheedian: Well if they're going to keep their work-stations filthy then they shouldn't fault you for showing up in a jumpsuit.

When you say "researchers" you make it seem like this is some sort of academic consensus rather than the ravings of a couple of psychologists throwing ideas against a wall. . . which is what it is.