
@Matt0505: He's the President of the company. He's the one who designates how many handicapped spots there are in the first place.

@meatbag_pussrocket: It kind of is, and for the same reason Apple was reluctant to use multi-button mice for so long. If you give developers the option 80% of them will take the path of least resistance, even if it makes the UI cumbersome. They will hide things inside right-click menus rather than making them

@meatbag_pussrocket: In this case it was. It fundamentally worked against the UI paradigm. Hardware buttons for phone-wide functions. Multi-touch for in-app functions.

@SewerShark: "I don't know about you, but when I have a new toy, I like to fiddle with to learn what it can and cannot do. I like that learning curve. "

@meatbag_pussrocket: If you're a programmer you can jailbreak your phone and do whatever you want with it without worrying about your warranty. Problem solved.

@Jumbleofletters: Yea. So jailbreak it and do what you want with it. Easy huh?

@triplecheeseburger: Beyond that, creative people are too busy doing the stuff they're creative at to want to bother maintaining their computers. That's why Apple is successful with them. It gets them the design and aesthetic beauty that they appreciate while getting the hell out of their way so they can do whatever

@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: Bonzi Buddy. It might not matter to you that people will end up installing crap that fucks their device, but Apple is the one left holding the bag when apps run in such a way that they compromise the intuitiveness of the device. People WILL turn on features willy-nilly if they have

@mjschmidt: Yes. Because people are too busy with actual hobbies to bother toying around with their damn phones that makes them slobs.

@Cintax: It will if every app does it. There is a clear logic to how the hardware buttons work on the iPhone. The hardware is for global-phone wide functionality and is supposed to do the same thing regardless of the app.

@dallasmay: That's not the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule is that 80% of cases are attributable to 20% of people. It's more of a guideline really. Whenever you see a trend-piece about high schoolers being sexually adventurous that's the 80/20 rule in action. Most high-schoolers (80%) are the same as they always were. But

@Steel Fox: Nomadic tribes went to way more than anybody else in fact! Because settled agriculture enabled people to create art, literature, and other beautiful things, it turns out that the nomads around the Central Asian steppes with more horses than respect for human life decided they might as well run roughshod

@Bruce Irvin: Monogamy happened, therefore evolution favors monogamy. Tautological? Yes. Factual? Also, yes.

@roninpenguin: Evolution favors survival in whichever mix of traits it can get. Optimal gene dispersion actually happens with polyandry (each woman has numerous partners.) But you don't see many (any) polyandrous societies around do you?

@Curves: Yes, but the article is based on a paper by a social scientist. . . and we know what those people are like.

This is good science, making unqualified assertions about what life was like 100,000 years ago with no actual evidence to back it up besides anthropological studies of bush people who still live that way.

@afreemaniii: Yes. Because before I download an app, what I want to have to do is study the code-base to figure out everything it's going to do to my phone. That won't guarantee that people end up with a lot of shoddy apps on their devices that clutter things up for them at all. You say "hardware to it's fullest

@Paradise: Brian Lam, I believe. Either way, if you don't like Apple's design don't buy their damn phone. It's not that hard.

@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: It won't hurt anybody once. But by design the hardware buttons on the iPhone all have specific global functions. Anything app specific happens on the screen. Anything pertaining to the phone as a whole happens with hardware. Volume, mute toggle, screen on/off, and the home button are