
@DangerousLiberal: I switched to AT&T after trying Sprint and Verizon and have honestly never been happier with phone service. Maybe that's partly because it's the first carrier I've had a smartphone on, but in my habitat ATT has beat the pants of Sprint and Verizon.

@DangerousLiberal: I have honestly never met an iPhone user making fun of anyone for using any other phone. You sir, need to stop projecting.

@raycrios: And here I am with my caseless iPhone. Making phone calls.

@raycrios: Look at me. Replying to things on the internet from my phone.

I once told a friend who had recently switched to Mac that if he ever needs to do anything, just hold Cmd + the obvious button. Failing that hold alt + the obvious button.

@raycrios: Right. "Best phone we’ve ever reviewed" makes it an abject failure.

@raycrios: At $400 a phone (including the $200 AT&T subsidy to Apple) and over 3 million phones sold that's over $1 billion in revenue.

@Arken: During the Q&A session I could feel his hatred for the press radiating through the screen.

@pvcrisp: They didn't say the problem was software. They said there was an error in how they reported signal strength that overstated the level of decline. They fixed that, but the underlying issue is still there. It's a fact of the laws of physics. Just like we're the speed of light's bitch, we are also the signal

@Rooo sez BISH PLZ: Maybe the targeting ends up working out differently for women than for men. My targeted ads breakdown is something like 10% camping gear, 10% boxing gear, 20% video games, and 50% online dating/sex services.

@Brian Crecente: I suspect it will be a limited selection of cases. I would guess they would only be ones that are up to the price of a bumper. So refunds on your Vertus. :-p

@nerve11: You go ahead and do that. We'll be over here with our awesome phones.

"It won't surprise anyone who's looked at a men's magazine that men are (apparently successfully) marketed to with images of attractive women — and so, of course, are women. "

"And 92 percent of women said the last ten years had brought more pressure to look younger than your age."

@Ikthog22: Speaking of niches, I'm still kind of sad that the Kin bombed. It seemed to fill a very important and overlooked market for people who want a phone for communication (broadly defined to include e-mail and social-networks) without necessarily having all the heft of full-fledged data-plans.

@Ultraorange: I was actually concerned when the iPhone 3G first came out that if they do their typical upgrade once a year deal they'd end up splintering their platform. But surprisingly it hasn't been that bad. (Aside from people complaining about not being able to get multi-tasking stuff for their 3Gs). It seems the

@ZGangsta: But I love Apple primarily BECAUSE of their open disdain for developers.

@Ikthog22: No no. Nobody's happy until everyone is just like them.

@Ultraorange: New devices coming out all the time means it's hard for app store developers to create products tailored to all of them. The "do-it-all" approach is good for PCs because they're workhorses and the software is easily customizable. But with the exception of techies, most people just want a phone that works