
@pz: Nobody cares about market share. Apple was profitable even when it had a 5% market share in personal computing.

@SnideySense: Being a meat eating Hindu, for instance, basically cuts me out of the relationship game with most observant Hindus. Some day-to-day stuff can end up being a huge deal-breaker to very observant people.

@LindyLou: That sounds off to me. I can see non-devout of any religion getting along fine. But the act of being devout is what drives the wedge with people of other religions in the first place.

@troya3: OP doesn't say he's evangelical, just that he's pretty observant. Bajita upthread just demonstrated that you can be Christian and not a dick.

@Kerensky97: Actually the complaint is along the lines of compromising usability for seldom used features.

@Ldubbz: I'm actually referring less to the phones themselves than the feature-bloat that Android stalwarts keep demanding. The handset makers, in most cases, let practical realities rein that in, but not always.

Does anyone remember that Simpsons episode where Homer meets his long lost brother who is an exec at a car company? His brother lets Homer design a new model car and Homer just loads it up with every bell, whistle, and feature he can imagine.

@femme-bot: It was pretty detailed. I remember only because I had a serious bunch of conversations about it with a few friends of mine about interracial relationships.

@femme-bot: I think the ones who get (not) screwed hardest were Black women and Asian men actually.

@NOLA girl: I think the quality of the dating pool is going to vary wildly based on what city you're in.

@TheNewJanBrady: I think it's based on a combination of click-throughs and a 5-star rating system they have that basically works as a "hot or not" thing.

@rott: I believe a "Solicited message" would be a reply to someone who messaged you while an unsolicited message would be along the lines of "Hey, You seem cool. We should hang out."

@Jadis4742: I used to tell people I was 5'10" thinking I was 5'7". It turns out the lady measured my height wrong on my driver's license as the next time I got a physical they told me I was 5'9".

Wait. Are there people out there who disagree with the truism that "Wrath of Khan" being the greatest of all Star Trek films?

@bender123: That's an FCC regulation though. You can't have an antenna up near the head anymore. You have to keep it near the bottom of the phone.

@InsidiousTuna: I wish you didn't have a star, just so I could promote this comment.

@dj underboob: Audio DVDs actually aren't bad. How stuff works has a chart displaying the sampling rate and they pretty much strack straight with analog. It's close enough that your ears won't pick up the difference and you don't have to worry about your needle dulling your record.

@philphil: At the same time we have also seen the resurgence of the vinyl record. It's not all bad.