
@Mecharine: ah. Maybe the real design innovation is that those aren't rotors, but support struts for the invisible hospital that it carries on its back.

It's called a "rescue chopper" but all I see is a cockpit with two chairs.

@Facebook: Not quite. I pointed out that all devices are supposed to be held in certain ways to make them work as intended. Complaining about having to keep your finger a centimeter lower or higher as if it's some hugely burdensome requirement is frankly an absurd complaint to have.

@Facebook: You might want to review the difference between "strawman" and "reductio ad absurdum." Consult your Introductory Logic 101 notes.

@N1ro: People on gadget blogs are complaining about it. I'm pretty sure half of them have never actually touched the phone. So yea, still going with "not a major issue." As for class action lawsuits, that's what's called ambulance-chasing. The presence of a lawsuit means nothing if there's no verdict. There have been

@Zhuzhu: Why would average users even be opening "terminal" though?

I understand that imperfections should be reported on, but I think the issue is that the reporting is out of all proportion to the scale of the problem. If people didn't like their phones they'd be returning them in droves. They're not.

@Eric Tate: I've had occasion to try it with 3 different phones and about 6 different people in New York City, LA, and DC and none of us were able to replicate the problem. In NYC I was able to make it go from 3 bars to 2 once. That was it.

@Zhuzhu: Since when are LifeHacker readers emblematic of the "average user?"

@Eric Tate: Most people don't have the problem though. If you have the problem, don't hold it that way. If you don't have the problem it doesn't really matter does it?

@cha0tic: "I put my hand over the screen and now I can't see anything!"

@cyber★: I actually like the terminal requirement to tinker with the OS. It's the Mac's way of trying to guarantee that you don't mess with it unless you really know what you're doing.

@MsPipCheerio: In a reasonable world, status seekers are looked down upon and try to hide their brazen ambitions out of shame.

I beg to differ about why the Foxconn suicide issue was tied to Apple. It was tied to Apple because Apple was the one who commissioned and released a report on working conditions within their supply chain.

@Jimmy Obomsawin: It looks a giant walked by and left his white cardboard box in the middle of the street. Atrocious.

@Hiccup: I had heard New Yorkers were absurdly solipsistic. I thought it was just a stereotype. . .

@vein11: If the kindle could show me things in color I would get it.

@nootron: I prefer chain locks. Mostly because I get to feel like Ghost Rider when I whip it out.