You sure about that?
You sure about that?
Yes! Amd how he crinkles his eyes.
He has this smile that can come off as totally charming, or downright creepy. He can sell it either way.
I can almost always pick up a Discworld book. I have read Geek Love a dozen times. I love re reading my favorites.
Well it was a long time ago!
I think the problem is really the way the OP put it. Yes calming exercises are good. But it seemed they had an eye rolling "get over it" attitude. The statement of "whatever is causing you to trip balls" is insulting and dissmissive.
My very first job was in a video store. It was an independent store that actually went out of business because we could not compete with Blockbuster. It was small but we had a great selection. We had a surprising large anime section partly because one of the other employees and myself encouraged the owner to build…
Yeah, they established early on that everyone is infected and when you die you come back. Deadp00l is right about Rick digging up Shane. I forget what it was exactly but something clued him in, and he went back to where he buried Shane and confirmed it.
I have to agree with this, since it causing actual harm. Many of these listed are just irritating, but this one is dangerous.
I thought about this too. The prophecy just says she has to kill him . Doesn't say he had to stsy dead.
That movie is seriously dark.
I do tend to think of it as more of a Christmas movie. But I am fully prepared to admit that I am a little twisted.
I actually kept meaning to post this, but I would forget. His Leg Lamp costume is awesome.
I love this movie, it still gets me. Also I knew all I get a prize?
As soon as they said it was going to his heart, I thought well just have Regina rip it out for now.
I never understood the appeal of this show.
The all have to keep stopping at VooDoo Donuts for bacon maple donuts. Delicious and plot relevant.
I was wondering why that one wasn't on the list.
Worm (Witches of Worm)
Very possibly my favorite episode of X Files.