
Could life be about dead rubber ducks?

Wouldn't we all?

Remember the Silver Bullets? From what I recall, they couldn't keep their sponsors/funding, and the men's teams often refused to play against them. They still managed four seasons, though.

man, I really want to know how that sentence was going to end! "If someone put..." Put what?! The suspense is killing me.

I wish I got as excited about anything as much as my cats would get excited about rabbit organs.

Generally at a local meat market. There used be a pet food company that sold it in 2 lb chubs, but I haven't seen that in quite a while ... although the product is still on their site.

I know this isn't super helpful, but ... Rabbity? It's richer than chicken, but much more tender than beef. Sometimes it can be a little gamey.

Good for her cats!

a problem shared by many creatures.

Hey, bunnies are nature's cat food. And a vegetarian diet for obligate carnivores is abuse, as far as I'm concerned.

Me too! It would make it so much easier to get, although expensive. I've known a few people who fed a whole prey model and would raise their own rabbits .... but I can't see myself doing that.

Yes, it is, although quite different from beef or chicken.

Oh, rats. I'm a lousy typist. "Food," of course. You'd need a lot of bunnies to make a ford!

I have eaten rabbit many times, and because I am a crazy person, I also feed it to my cats. Bunnies are indeed adorable, but they are prey animals, and they provide ford for many a carnivore. As long as they are ethically raised, I have no moral issues with eating them. In many places, where rabbits are an invasive

Let's put our paws in the air!

Is it wrong that I love this? And if so, how wrong?

This .... is deeply stupid. Not the article. The thing. The MOMO.



You tell me.