
She's got the clutch gene.

I would agree to an extent. I guess my issue would have been the fact that she was included in a poll and was voted for widely under the pretense that she would be on the list.

His deniability will never be "plausible" though due to the substantive allegations that were previously present.

who asked you?

get it burt

Terry Richardson doesn't have any sort of "plausible deniability" at all. There have been several allegations against Richardson prior to this hoax. It's like saying a false allegation against R. Kelly will up R. Kelly's credibility.

This is a stupid comment.

Didn't he believe the "almost flyout" was a home run though? I thought that was the reason why Gomez loafed. I'd that's the case them Cole should've been cool with Gomez's actions, based on his own logic.

I've never had Del Taco and I think I'm better for it. Then again I've had Taco Bell countless of times so that must say something about my standards.

Did you watch the gif?

Your stats are disingenuous until list the average jump shot percentages of power forwards in the NBA.

This is great.

I hope he make a full recovery as well.

Is that all you took from this article? That's she's wrong for criticizing Jameis's "feelings"


You know this isn't twitter. Furthermore, if you have to use a hashtag t say you're not trolling, you're trolling boo.

lmao you are a punk.

You are awesome

Team Cookies and Creme

Butterfinger has the same issue as Toblerone for me (that sticky sugary center) but those new Butterfinger cups are delicious.