Nahhhhhhh bruh. The Blacka the Chocolate the Sweeter the Juice
Nahhhhhhh bruh. The Blacka the Chocolate the Sweeter the Juice
I also stand in public solidarity for your enjoyment of Hershey's Cookies and Creme. They also have Cookies and Creme nuggets too.
I have no issue with twice being number one (although not my personal favorite). BUT MR GOODBAR AS NUMBER 20 IS A TRAVESTY TO ALL PEOPLE OF THE GOODBAR CREED.
The case was not "just written up again for clicks". There is a significant deviation in the Times a story and what has been reported about the case in the past.
Damn you mad bruh
? what's with this assumption?
Yall acting like he's Jenny McCarthy or something damn!
I asked the OP what he meant and he explained
He was saying that the racists are mad at Hank Aaron for nothing but don't show that same outrage toward the flag burning incident at the braves game. He wasn't saying that the flag burning incident is more worthy of ire than the racist threats thrown at Hank Aaron. The OP was criticizing the racists.
The OP wasn't being his/her other comments.
I think you are misunderstanding the OP. He/she's saying that racists are more mad at what Hank Aaron said than the flag burning.
I think people are understanding your comment as an indictment of those outraged over the racism shown towards Hank Aaron (like why are we mad Hank Aaron receiving racists threats, who cares?!), and not as an indictment towards the racism itself.
Are you criticizing Hank Aaron/the people defending Hank Aaron against racism, or are you criticizing the racists?
bruh you didn't respond to the dude who brought you tangible statistics disrupting your racist ass claim about blacks on welfare in the other thread.
In fact many of the GOP's leaders endorsed (albeit passively) Donald Trump's whole birth certificate tirade. And there's always Michele "Obama is part of the Muslim brotherhood" Bachmann
You seem to have more of an issue with Hank Aaron's comments than the racist hate mail he's been receiving.
Except the cops stated that it wasn't a sexual assault incident
But the cops said it's not related to sexual assault
I agree normally. But in this case I feel it requires that we wait for all the facts.
I think you are misunderstanding what he's saying.