
racism absolutely exists and black people being called monkeys happens to this day (i am looking at you other football).

He probably should’ve used the term ‘self awareness’ instead of ‘sensitivity’.

How many times in your life have you been called an ape or a monkey? Cause I’m guessing it’s fewer times than Demarcus Cousins. That’s what “sensitivity” has to do with anything.

I think even Demarcus Cousins would agree with that premise. I don’t think he had them removed because he felt they were racist. He suggested having them removed because they could be misconstrued as insensitive given the timing of it all.

That pass is even more incredible from this angle:

“Frustrated young guys with money make bad decisions”

One of the things the Sixers haven’t done is get any serious NBA veterans. No one on the roster is over 24. Frustrated young guys with money make bad decisions. Put them in a position that they’ve never been in; that is, not only no success, but no hope of success, add the fun of random verbal abuse by people intent

This is the first Call of Duty I went out and bought since MW1+2. I must say, to me, it’s just as enjoyable if not more, and the co-op is fantastic. This game is much better than all the crap CoD games in between.

The Alexandrians are naive and green to the whole zombie apocalypse situation but Father Gabriel (he’s still an asshole) was pretty much right about Rick and his crew - they consistently fuck everything up and get innocent people killed on the regular.

Dude, the Redskins intentionally destroyed RGIII long before that (and, frankly, it’s even a little doubtful whether he actually had a concussion or it was just a strange ploy by Jay Gruden). Try Shanny and Dr. James Andrews trotting him out for the playoff game against the Seahawks in 2013. At that point his knee was

Watching a franchise intentionally try to destroy a player, both his career and soul, is... unpleasant.

The idea that Washington picked up his option because of incompetence is absurd. These are the Redskins. It was clearly done out of spite.

Brady Hoke never would’ve kicked that field goal.

Yes... Desperate people lining up to do pathetic jobs means the system is working and that they all did it “happily”. I mean that’s why the suicide rate is so low at that company, but what does my view matter, I’m a “social justice warrior”, a term used by idiots to try and invalidate another persons opinion because

I just do not feel the need to see a movie about some rich asshole who treated people like shit. Even a beautifully scripted and performed movie about some rich asshole who treated people like shit.

But a question I’ve been pondering with all of the Jobs media that’s been released in the years since his death is whether or not we absolve Jobs for his assholishness, just because he was a genius who had a huge positive impact on the world. Is it OK? Do we let him off the hook for the fuck ups, and the people he

Technical or legal problem, gotta be. Either the XBone version is glitchy or there’s some language in some contract that’s a mess.

I am sure it is heartbreaking. To be in 3 SB’s with arguably the 2 greatest QB’s in history and not walk away with a championship...especially when you let 1 slip through your fingers, literally. Especially when you watch Tom Brady win with your understudy, Julian Edelman. That being said, he outplayed expectations