
Do you know Jez used to banhammer those "I don't know what/who this is/I don't think this is relevant" posts on their non-Beyonce posts? That is not good etiquette on your part.

What? Give me an example. Seriously. All those damn posts about Miley Cyrus on Jez before, during, and after her album came out. Lady Gaga's artpop. And you're talking about Beyonce? Girl, bye.

Wasn't Janelle Monae selling iPhones or advertising for AT&T? Isn't that problematic too (re: your point about Beyonce having a Pepsi deal. I absolutely love Janelle BTW but you are being hypocritical).

Are you saying women can't like Janelle Monae and Beyonce at the same time?

You know all she did was release the album. No promotion or nothing.

Bruh, her album came out and is breaking sales records. They are of course going to cover her.

Here we go with this bullsh*t again.

Are you fucking serious? Yes I see a difference its called a child and an adult.

Her Lipstick is Poppin

Mannnnn I am so disappointed. Leshoure is picking up dust on the bench. We could have had CJ, Bush, Gordon, Pettigrew (he has been playing better and not dropping the ball, because I swear he was one foot out the door at the beginning of the season), Fauria in the red zone, Bell, Durham is cool, and Burleson? With our

There is a video of R. Kelly peeing on a child and other sexual acts. Known child molester.

What sucks is that the Lions probably had a chance to trade for Gordon by giving up Leshoure and prob. a 2nd-3rd rounder.

That album, visuals and all, makes me need to take a sabbatical from the internet because all I will talk about is how revolutionary this album is for the next week at least.

Anyway, folks said that Beyonce’s choice to do something so demeaning killed her feminist street cred. But then folks been pulling Bey’s feminist card from the beginning. Let us not forget how much folk acted a fool after the Superbowl.

There's another article where the haters are out, Rich's review of the album. His review is actually cool but the top rated comment is someone who didn't even read the article and wanted to comment to bash Bey.

That and Velvet Rope

SN: I love how Black women have just ran through Jez just now. With the Taye Diggs thread (best shade of all time), and people defending Beyonce's feminism, I'm kinda happy. We need other women of color too though.

The GOP were prophetic.

Yea, well,

200k or 2k? I thought it sold 80k the first three hours?