
Did you just say Sade, "Love, Deluxe"

I liked how they kinda ended anti climatic. Yes, Myra being on the loose is big, but it's not like we didn't see it coming. Considering the past few episodes were shocker after shocker, I liked the tone of this episode's ending. And they didn't try to fit too much (especially considering that we're going to get a lot

I do agree. Liv is just a playing chip to him. Despite the fact that I do feel some sympathy for Rowan, especially when he kinda did Myra a favor by keeping her locked up, he still is poison when it comes to Olivia.

I really have soured off Jay-Z, in particular because of his "beef" with Harry Belafonte.

THIS. I'm debating with another commenter about this. I couldn't really articulate what I wanted to say, but this is it right here. You been on!

I see what you are saying now, and I do understand that. Honestly I thought you were one of those commenters to languish on the golden days of music, which canonizes non-POCs and leaves out POC artists.

You shouldn't compare the trials of having "different hair color" to someone's turmoil about race. What you're describing is a faux paux, what Korra is describing is a product of a racially prejudiced society that actually oppresses people based on her race. Seriously offensive, fyi.

Well, that's good for you.

Way to derail my point by saying I insulted you, when I never did.

That's the thing at pissed me off. Like you dedicated (2)! posts not only to criticize Beyonce but to seemingly try and prove to everyone that she sucks. "Ooh here's this video she fucking sucks here!". Like get off this post. And then insult her feminism because she's sexual...what??

LMAOOOOO I hate you and love you for this. LMAOOOO

I seriously need a check for 15.99

Firstly, I appreciate Beyonce because I want to. She works hard for herself, has some empowering songs, doesn't shy away from the fact that she is a woman (i.e celebrates it and doesn't act as if it is a weakness as society trains women to feel), and has made herself to be one of the most successful, iconic artists of

Again, just because someone celebrates marriage, it doesn't mean they are saying that marriage is the only fucking way. I'm a feminist and I want to get married, does that make me less of a feminist? Melissa Harris Perry is married, does that make her less of a feminist because she's married and is using her married

FYI Gaga is problematic, probably more than Bey. I've brought her albums but as one commenter noted she has a song disrespecting Roma, and now she's touring and helping to boost the sales of known child molester and rapist R.Kelly.

*rolls eyes

Outside of Joan Baez that a pretty WASPy way of looking at politics. To say that Beyonce doesn't provide some source of empowerment and positivity, especially to Black women, is very shortsighted.

Pretty much this.

Lol she's a Stan that's happy talk. I'm a (recovering) Bey Stan and that girl is ecstatic

rolls eyes