
"I would applaud Beyonce, or that I think of her as a feminist. I find it irritating when women (and many famous and pretty women do this - not just Beyonce) defend being overtly sexual as feminist, but they are equating being "sexual" with being pleasing to the male gaze and they pretty blatantly promote striving for

Girl stop you know she don't know who Chiamamanda is...she don't know what Black feminism is if she's sitting here basing her criticisms on Beyonce based on the fact that she's sexual.

Ugh I don't think you question someone's feminism because they are overtly sexual. That is a very shallow assessment.

I love Janelle Monae and I love Beyonce. I agree that Monae should get 1000x more recognition than what she does, but I'm not going to down Beyonce like she's the reason Janelle Monae doesn't get the respect she deserves.

It is her choice if she wants to celebrate being married. Isn't that what feminism is about. You're seriously doubting her feminism because she named her tour and called herself Mrs. Carter? Yet Lady Gaga is parading around with a known and taped pedophile towards little ass girls and that's okay and she's a feminist?

Thank you for being classy about it and not turning your post into a Beyonce hate show

So much shade on a post about Beyoncé releasing a new thing is if y'all hate her so much why even comment on a post like this? People kill me smh.

I don't care if you hate beyonce (I should've phrased my initial comment better), and you have every right to voice that opinion, but why choose to voice said opinion on a positive post about beyonce?

People will hate this album because its Bey (part deserved on her end because she was releasing very commercialized stuff) but this album sounds really, really, amazing

This album is really really good.

Why the fuck do you hate beyonce so damn much? She was also raised in the church so she knows Choir songs. What's your purpose for saying this? I don't fuck with Katy Perry but I'm not all on posts about her saying that shit.

It's not "filler"

OMG He is fucking stupid for that. LMAO

Resorting to childish, misogynistic insults to intimidate another commenter? Assuming someone is a certain "type" from their posts?



Shonda is genius. Joe Morton is doing the fool

I don't think there has been one on Jez or on io9

I'm buzzed and watching Scandal hell yea

If you listed his picture for what I think you did (the Spelman thing), girllllllllllll