I really want to tell all these people focusing on grammar to fuck off. Seriously. Soooo racist.
I really want to tell all these people focusing on grammar to fuck off. Seriously. Soooo racist.
Some of y'all are really condescending. Do you know who the author is? She's not some run of the mill figure but okay. And no I'm not getting her confused with the original Angela Davis.
That had shit to do with slavery (re: black males having the right to vote before white women). Honestly that also contradicts yourself and supports the point you were criticizing earlier about how the author may have been insinuating white women were in a lower social position (or at least social respect) than black…
Fuck them. Seriously errors???? This site kills me sometimes with the pretentiousness of some people.
Ms Davis this was an interesting piece. Please don't pay attention to the derailers.
And also
I don't understand how this was hard to read grammatically but okay.
YES OMG it only shows up when people of color write shit.
Bush was the best offseason pickup. It fits our system perfectly. If we get one decent receiver and a corner we're good.
When you bring up the seduce and enchant men part you now have me thinking it's Zoe, because of her power to kill a dude when she has sex with them.
Girl lol even they had to mention it in the show. Ms. Bassett looks amazing. I didn't even know Jessica Lange is only 9 years older than her. She looks as if she could be her grandmother.
I forgot all the shade she was showing when she was at Angela Basset's hair salon.
I absolutely hated that shit too.
Who voted for Obama twice
But has she really been doing anything? I don't dislike her but she is in c list movies and is not relevant.
What is the difference between what Dodai posted and the New York Post article? I admit the title is a bit harsh but the article itself is pointing out the same issues as the New York Post, not to mention the article is actually attacking the system and not Kate Bosworth. The article says nothing bad about Bosworth at…
Yesssss. I have to learn how to use all my efforts and not just the 10% or so I am used to using because everything was so easy to me. And time management is something I am learning how to do, and doing work fast. I used to be able to work fast anyways because work was so easy. Now with my anxieties and what not it's…
The fact that Pumpkin pie is ranked above Sweet Potato though??? And Pecan Pie is the shit.
You mad bro?
Woahhhhhh who??? I definitely missed all that