
An ass?

Yea, but he did manage the Tigs to one WS (2006). The 2012 one probably was more due to our stars (Prince had a better postseason until the WS, Cabrera wasn't hurt, Jackson was hitting). We had Pudge and Maggilo and a solid roster, but not the stars we have now. I'm not sure we had Granderson yet either. JV was young

A lot of people forget.

He should have kept Smily in, but the players underperformed (not conpletely blaming Prince like a lot of others, as our lead off hitters not getting on base also killed us offensively), Cabrera's injury was devastating, and the bullpen, despite Leyland's management, still didn't do their jobs.

I do apologize for being knee jerk here though. I do agree that Leyland is very polarizing.

Don Kelly has been good for is this year honestly. Him and Santiago went on a stretch after the all star break that helped us get going and put some distance between us and cleveland

Look I didn't mean to generalize michigan as I live there. Nor am I comparing tigers fans in michigan to the derpiness of cardinals and sox fans, but it pisses me off to see a lot of comments on the freep/detroit news live blog criticize leyland and he's done the absolute best for the tigers. I don't mean to

Clue #1- I'm from Michigan. I am a huge sports fan, never been a bandwagoner. I don't mean to stereotype everyone who are fans of the Tigers in Michigan, but a lot of them always yell fire leyland every time something goes wrong. Look on the freep comments and detroit news comments on their website, it's a lot that

Michigan fans hate him and always asks for his firing. They are entitled and just eew sometimes. They don't deserve success I guess.

I usually am not a defender of Joe Buck but he just owned the shit outta McCarver when McCarver was trying to criticize Puig's celebration.

I guess I'm a newbie now. Which I am, I just joined the community recently. And the the pre-edited comment was offensive, then, as I stated in my comment before, my apologies. But you need to tone your comment down. Don't be rude to me at all.

I didn't see anything where she went at anyone rudely. I don't want to get into this on Jez as it is a GT issue, but I thought we just had a whole issue about subliminal shots less than a month ago on GT.

Wow there was no need to bring in that situation with the SciAm article and OmarGone's post on GT about it. That was rude but okay.


They don't know...
-Travis Henry

Apparently a lot of deadspin readers don't know how to take a joke. Luckily most of their comments are grey