Can you read jokes bro?
Can you read jokes bro?
Yes I agree. Even Gemma has her sympathetic, endearing moments, like when she recounts the heartbreak over jt cheating on her, and when she was raped, and her father's deteriorating mental state (seriously that shit made me cry). All of the characters are multifaceted, because honestly that's how life is. Few people…
And to add, I don't think we're supposed to feel sorry for anyone. It does humanize a lot of the members, but it doesn't do it by glorifying their life. Clay is manipulative, Tig is impulsive to a absolute fault, Jax was sympathetic at first but now he's become the monster he rallied against at the beginning, and…
Yes! Kurt Sutter (the Shield, also plays Otto as you may know) explicitly stated he's not glorifying this life and POSSIBLE SPOILERS is basing the show on Shakespearean tragedy (Hamlet or Macbeth?).
I understand there is a double standard, but Sons of Anarchy, at least until some of its most recent season, was one of the best shows on TV honestly. 50 Shades is HORRIBLE WRITING. Horrible. And honestly if you wanna get down to it E.L. James copied off Zane whose been doing the freaky shit for the longest, and her…
From what I heard, Queer as Folk actually had a storyline compared to the shitshow that is 50 Shades. Not only that but almost 100k people signed a petition for him not to be a lead. If anything, I think the studio had more to do with him dropping out than what we're lead to believe.
Calling him a coward or a flake...okay. I guess.
He almost got it. If the ball had just a small bit of air under it he would have caught it. Young torii would have caught it fasho.
Seriously. You can't trust al to get more than one out. Smiley sucks in the playoffs. Porcello had a good year starting wise but is not good in the pen, Benoit cannot pitch a shutout inning to save his life (he at least gives up one freaking hit). Wasted gem from Max because of Smiley walking the only man he had to…
That is bold that they covered her up. Although I must say that the first thing I noticed was her face because she is beautiful. But then I also noticed that they purposefully covered up her like a Gregorian monk. Sighhhhhh
Trust you are not the only one. I hate Fitz even though he has some swag
Wow I didn't know he was shading cast members who didn't want to do it. I always maintained it was their own decision but the creator was wrong to do that.
I don't know if this is related, but D'Angelo's career was ruined in his eyes because of the video, and he actually regrets doing it. He felt commodified and a lot of people became his fans only for the vid, and not his amazing music. He launched himself into a depression and addiction. I am not sure if y'all know…
Get the hell off the website troll. Jezebel is EXPLICITLY A SITE FOR FEMINISM. Feminism is part of the social justice spectrum.
I am sorry what happened to your friend. I am more so responding from a place where I have seen other commenters question whether he raped her, and I have never seen those questions on articles of white victims, or female victims. However, I actually understand where you are coming from and I do not want to come at…
Would you be making this statement if it wasn't Chris Brown? Omg I need to get off Jezebel.
If it wasnt Chris brown, but Sean Penn or mark Wahlberg, would you be asking that question? How in the fuck can a 8 year old coerce a 15 year old?