
Do you understand the rape he endured at 8 can lend to explaining (not excusing, explaining) his later behavior? Dude needs help. Even the way he talked about in the interview was not bragging, but a clear way of internalization.

I've noticed that as well, first SIFWW now this. I like Erin though and I respect her for sticking her neck out. I don't respect Jez for not having Doug do it.

I do thank you for this I guess, as I was also not expecting a change or a backtrack from the two previous articles.

Girl they just doubled down on this article on gawker. Please read it I'm too upset.

Nope at least I don't think. I am not a lawyer but I know when taking the bar and even applying for law school, many entities' character and fitness application now includes a disclosure of mental health history.

Maybe she can go to a support group or therapist that is not like "on the books"?


Hey Taliban if you are reading this, fuck you! Come and find me bitches and pick on someone your own size and not a little girl who is stronger and has more heart than all your members. You do not uphold Islam. God, Allah, and your religion would be ashamed of you. I am sure Allah hates you all and Al Qaeda And any

And it's the good commenters that are involved.

I would encourage you to head over to groupthink (it's a sub blog of Jez but ran by the commenters). It's a good, sensible place to exchange ideas and not throw up inducing as Jez has become on their accord and on the accord of some of the commenters.

The girl in question was 15 not 14. And in high school (at least in the tenth grade). Now, I am not here to demonize that girl because if she was that age and thought it was okay to have sex with a 8 year old, then something must be drastically wrong with her psyche (I.e possibly she endured abuse). However, back when

No matter your opinions of Madonna, calling someone a "lie" about their rape is insensitive, especially if she's addressed it before. Again, I understand you don't like madonna, and celebs do things for attention all the time. But I still have a sense of decency to believe someone when they are sharing a traumatic

This x10000000

I don't understand how an 8 year old can consent to sex in your eyes. That is rape

Between this and the comments on the Madonna post... I am seriously this close to being done with Jezebel. This is disgusting.

I'm sorry, I didn't know an 8 year old has more agency than someone in high school. But okay. In your world I guess.

You know I read this story somewhere else and I wondered "hmmm did Jezebel cover this" and unfortunately they did in a horrible way. Seriously tasteless. He was basically molested/raped and they're using his omission as a way to hate him some more. And let's not talk about how many women AND men internalize their

Dude was molested at 8 years old (NO ONE can consent to sex at that age) and you take the time to call him an asshole. Chris Brown is an asshole but my god this is heartless. He needs help, not this.

Some of yall are really disgusting.