
I heard this once, scratched my head then listened again. Now I can't stop listening to it. Maybe it has something to do with Bowie's singing buried somewhere in the middle.

The best thing a driving instructor told me 20 years ago.....look left and right before entering any intersection. It has saved my life MANY times.

....and there are imitators who will not be successful.

Sacre Bleu! It`s nice than my Sienna!

Another opening sequence from Six Feet Under.

There was an incident....

"Collision insurance? what for?"

I work in the freight business. Most people balk at a "block and bracing" charge. I guess there is an alternative to not paying it.....

Ugly maybe, but my old SL got 40 MPG without even trying.

I can't believe how bad that is....

The car actually looked good...until I saw that monstrosity.

Is GM even trying anymore?

Lada; shit on 4 wheels. They were biodegradable in North America requiring replacement after 2 years tops.

Canada; The further North you go, the further South you are.

16, if you drive like you had an egg under your right foot.

(Overheard in a boardroom) It's not on fire today, sell it!

What's the issue with self driving cars??? Seniors have been driving self driving Camry's and Crown Vic's for years.

Because, America.

I gave up a long time ago. After owning 3 GM cars in a row that were total lemons, I vowed never to own one again. Too little too late, let them rot.

I'd pay $10 a day extra for the NOS option.