
I worked for a car rental company years ago. The basic mantra was if it ran, put it on the road. Recalls were ignored, oil or brakes never changed and odometers turned back before being sent to auction. The only time a car would not be rented is if it was in a wreck and didn't run. I am hoping this is not the norm

I hope he has coin for new rubber, those tires on Quebec roads should last 30 seconds.

It's ok, because he's Rob law can touch Rob Ford.

#3, guess I'm not the only one who yells oncoming on my way to work.....

The look of that thing is more offensive than the song. Is GM even trying anymore?

I love my wife.....and of course, waffles :)

Can't stand this guy. He smacks around Rhianna and has countless public displays of nastiness. Maybe I'm jealous, he treats his woman like crap and gets a kick ass car and I treat mine well and I get waffles. I can only hope karma catches up to him...

All the kids want a fibreglass sail on top of their boat.

Fuck performance, they just want pretty colours and shiny stuff. If they can afford it.....

Nailed it. Rice + wing = rollers in your rear view

Surprise, surprise.

That Volvo bouncing though the air like a couple of Rednecks trying to toast a 20 year old pick up made my day!

Nothing Xzibit couldn't fix.....

I just blue myself.

The BMW / Civic made me heave....

Now she can vacuum while on the road! Women love to vacuum (runs and hides).

Photoshop, it looks too.....clean?

Supreme leader says pull out post and keep going.

Can they lose the STUPID Buick logo???? DATED !!!!

I'm thinking bankruptcy protection too.