Naomi Ambidextrous

Dear Pastor Lentz: pre-ripped jeans are an abomination against any and all gods and are as fake as your repentance. No, I don’t care how much you paid for them. The fact that I can see your well-tanned knees shows me you don’t spend any time on said knees. And you should. For eternity.

Carl Lentz’s cheat scandal is not *slightly* more interesting because famous people attend his church.  That is sole reason it is of any interest.  Non-famous pastors cheat all the time, and no one outside their congregation is likely to care.

Pretty much everything Trump has fucked up in the last four years has been by executive branch actions - either by EO or by some clown he appointed. Undoing all that would be a great start.

So Gab is still around, huh. I was wondering what happened to them now that people seem to be paying more attention to Parler.

All I want for Christmas is an LGBTQ+ movie without a coming-out plotline.

that relatively innocent Cameron-Bure photo was in September?  2020 really is like 40 years long....

That’s the first time I’ve heard prison called an “outreach program”. Or cops racking up OT as “volunteering their personal time”.

LOL the third sentence in Murphy’s wikipedia entry is that she is best known for this bullshit right here.

Don’t do that.

Many times in my life I have wished that there was a system to identify at risk youth to facilitate outreach programs and prevent lives of poverty, crime, and abuse

And yet, there is no evidence this information is being used as anything other than to target these kids for police attention because someone thinks they ‘might’ commit crime on baseless information.

I don’t know if it’s “expecting” so much as “preparing”. We want feet on the throttle all the way until the polls close, and if a few days of anxiety mean an utter fucking landslide for Biden, I’m good with that trade.

First Daughter, Veep, West Wing (close enough).  What else....  

this story was the first news item I’ve laughed at all year. I want zero clarification, just more ‘rebellious daughter makes governor’s life full of inconveniences through dating life’ tidbits like a knock-off Chasing Liberty.

I think there’s also been a slight shift in how results are presented. In 2016, higher-profile outlets were talking about national polling as if a national popular vote would determine the outcome. 

Oh, for sure strange things can happen. But people seem to be expecting the same strange things that happened in 2016 to happen again.

The Christian Post ran dueling op-eds by Joe Biden and Mike Pence to make a case for which old white man running for president is most Godly.”

People are right to be wary because polling is an inexact science. But nearly everyone is stressing out for the wrong reason: This idea that the pollsters are going to repeat exactly the same errors they made in 2016. That’s not happening.

I am getting so tired of people going “But 2016!” Thanks for posting something that really illustrates how strong Biden’s position is. 

Megyn’s timing is nothing if not perfect. Make nice with the guy who’s on his way out the door, and possibly on his way into prison. Perhaps she’s angling for the first interview behind bars. They may have trouble telling where his skin ends and the orange of his prison uniform begins.