I’m not going to star you, as I think this pattern of behavior is clearly predatory and more than a misunderstanding. I will validate your friend’s experience, however.
I’m not going to star you, as I think this pattern of behavior is clearly predatory and more than a misunderstanding. I will validate your friend’s experience, however.
It does sound like the name of somebody who is an insufferable prick that should get decked.......regularly, like a Nazi.
For me it was “Madison Cawthorn”.
He is white. He is young. He looks like a republican (shit-eating grin and all). He's paraplegic. I assume, but can't be bothered to check, that he has money?
This is like the former HS quarterback I graduated with who was active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other churchy youth group stuff. We went on one date, I rebuffed him after he made squicky comments (nothing over the line, but definitely teenage douchebag comments). What to my surprise when this man was…
I’ve been watching this guy’s insane campaign for a while and it’s crazy to me that he’s 1) associated himself with the military because he’d applied for the US Naval academy (but was not accepted), 2) called himself a businessman/CEO (because he bought, like, one forclosed piece of property with the money he received…
This looks like a good place to plug his opponent, Moe Davis, who not only graduated from college but also served his country in the Air Force. The gap between these two men when it comes to accomplishments and qualifications is incredible, as is the fact that Cawthorne is still ahead in the polls (albeit, barely).
Well it IS a Kavanaugh-like character assassination, but only because it sounds like he’s pretty much a Kavanaugh-like character.
I’d had a bit of a celebrity crush on him when he was in office. I blame this on what I call my “reverse gaydar” - I’m a straight woman who frequently falls for gay men, to the point where if I’m attracted to a man I usually have to mentally adjust and review him a second time for signs that he might be gay. I’d…
a “Kavanaugh-like character assassination”
The first clue was that he drove a Dodge Challenger.
So, this man neither graduated from college nor served his country? Is that accurate? He’s not a community activist, either. So, what makes him the best possible candidate for a senate seat in NC? Beyond his disgusting behavior, his candidacy was already ill-advised and half-baked.
This and:
And if they’re too squeaky clean... they’re probably Aaron Schock.
Actually he’s engaged, but your (sarcastic) point still stands.
When you purchase a young, fame-hungry Republican, you get sexual misconduct. It’s a two for one deal. Always.
He has a WIFE people. So he CAN'T be a predator, obviously.
If there was a warrant for his arrest or even a subpoena I doubt his secret service detail would go on the lam with him.
Opposition to abortion is just petty, moral navel-gazing, for lack of a better phrase. Those in the anti-abortion movement are solely invested in themselves, whether its their own sense of moral superiority, wielding a culture war cudgel, or selfishly saving their own immortal soul, it’s NEVER about the lives of the…