
Part of what makes Rushmore work for me is that everyone in the movie is as annoyed with Max Fischer as I am despite his talent. It's the perfect antidote to shitty teen movies that usually give guys like him the Ferris Bueller treatment.

Why does it sound like it's from 1988?

It's everything Random Access Memories wanted to be. The Less I Know The Better has a great drop and chorus compared to the limp, flat Get Lucky. Nangs/The Moment has fantastic layering and feels evocative without trying too hard. The bridge to "New Person Same Old Mistakes" saves the whole song. Disciples sounds

That fucking theme song is down there with the L Word. Christ

The John Larroquette show gave it a run for its money, though.

It's a double edged sword. No topic should be off limits for well done humor and I can think of isolated examples of self righteous outrage on twitter , but the pc card often feels like a crutch for complacent, pretentious comedians that are not talented enough to expand on their material or at least have funny


Yeah, I see why Novak and Martin were the only two on the cover when this was on VHS.

He sounds like Sling Blade singing one of Forrest Gump's ancedotes.

Maybe this show can finally get the recognition and release it deserves now that Cosby's work is being reevaluated.

He was James Bond brought to us by the casting director of Full House.

Fantastic pick.

Holy shit at the carwash scene.

I'm high now!

Dawson's dad dying by eating ice cream off the floor of his car while driving was hilarious, though.

me too!

I don't remember 14 year olds being monolithic with equivalent privilege, problems, or transgressions at any point in time.

I adore this show.

Pretty much. They're like Max Fischer plays come to life. I can't say no to that.

I cringed so hard at that part. It's like all of the supporting characters were an afterthought . :x