oh god you’re still on the internet, and your joke hasn’t caught on either. stop pushing a phrase if it doesn’t get repeated by others, son. anyway, how about tennis? any other hobby? just something to get you out of the house?
oh god you’re still on the internet, and your joke hasn’t caught on either. stop pushing a phrase if it doesn’t get repeated by others, son. anyway, how about tennis? any other hobby? just something to get you out of the house?
Watch as a bunch of privileged white people discuss if it’s ok, but ignore the fact that the monetary value of the Chinese market was deemed more important than recognising that the Tibetans are unfairly persecuted to this day. There’s an actual cultural genocide going on, is that not enough for you to get upset or at…
The larger point is any other ‘asian’ would still not be a Tibetan, which says why haven’t you cast a tibetan. you’re politically ignorant and being insensitive to an ongoing active persecution of a race by the chinese, you should probably get more upset that greed led them to avoid casting a tibetan outright.
Are you the only one who just doesn’t get it? Do you understand world politics in any. sense. at. all?
Exactly. Fuck me, Gawker sites keep up this appearance of caring about race and issues of that kind, but the Tibetans still undergo an active persecution, in their own country and abroad, and no one on the Gawker sites gives a shit.
I think more so, if you’re trying to avoid offending the Chinese gov’t, you also avoid mentioning that you’re just trying to avoid offending them. Their approach is that they would have you share their view rather than to just ‘agree to disagree’.
Ah, I get you. That might be passable, let us assume the Tibetan thing without stating it and pissing everyone off..
exactly, thanks for seeing the thing as it is. fuck me, Gawker sites are really losing the plot.
you’re an idiot and basically supporting the Chinese government censors
So you want to be seen as a ‘good person’ by not being racist, but you’re not being sensitive to how the Tibetan race would feel given they’ve been subjected to Chinese efforts to basically erase them from history and the present. and basically you’re turning into an SJW stereotype meme.
did you watch the video? that would be perceived as denying the existence of Tibet in some way. which i agree casting a white person does also. you’d prefer to avoid racism over the bigger issue, which is kowtowing to china’s cultural genocide?
With all sincerity, Rob, if you want to be taken seriously and not seen as Gawker’s new ‘king of the SJWs’, just take the Tibet issue seriously, have some balls, and take a stand. The Robert Cargill video basically explains it.