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    Fight me.”

    Bill Burr in the Brundlefly machine with Jack White would result in a Billy Corgan thing.

    If she’d gotten him shot we wouldn’t even be talking about her. Do we know the names of the people who called the police on John Crawford, Tamir Rice, George Floyd and countless others?

    Why’d you have to go and expose me like that? I’m 41 and similarly lost my peak ‘child-bearing’ years to myriad mental health issues. Luckily I was able to cling on to a career that from the outside most people think of as “successful”, but the effort required to do that when grappling with (and concealing) anxiety,

    Marmite is the mother, not the cousin. 

    Rapsody really deserves more attention. That Liquid Swords sample had me very happy.

    As is the Gza who remains a criminally underrated member of the Wu (despite puttng out the best solo album - fight me).

    Drake? On a list that doesn’t even include KRS One, Q-Tip or Gangstarr? Don’t be silly.

    Indeed the Swedish CJ system has a comparatively low rate of incarceration (it’s a last resort), a low recidivism rate and a focus on rehabilitation. I’m not worried about A$AP. 

    WTF does criminal justice reform in the US have to do with the Swedish criminal justice system? 

    They serve a very important role, and that is in the normalization of fascism, especially the kind of espouses racist nationalism.”

    I’m actually half Greek, a quarter Scots, and the rest a mishmash of various British Isles and French ancestries.”

    Also Stein, he managed to knock that off the frontpage for at least a couple of days.

    Confession: I do all of this bar the mask, blanket and first class. I’m off to rectify the first two...

    Isn’t Jaah a good example of why rushing to publically label oneself at a young age isn’t necessarily a good thing? She came out as trans at 14 because she thought her sexuality determined her gender. Imagine if she’d gone too far down that road?

    I’ve just turned 40 and am single and ‘child free’ and, to be honest, struggling with it. Not because of the age in and of itself, but because of the expectations. It doesn’t help that people are frequently surprised by my age not, I don’t think, because I look particularly young, but because people think of 40 as old

    I have no interest in ‘owning’ Fox. I’m British and an avid follower of american political news and I barely know who Bolton is. Not sure why you don’t think the average British person would be protesting Trump.

    Hmm, your average British person really doesn’t know who Bolton is.  The Boos were most def for Princess Grifter. 

    Worst game of Taboo ever. 

    Little Simz’ - she used her words.