
I used the little 9.99 electronic cigs from the gas station. I quit in January and don't even think about it now unless I read something like this. The smell of it now just gags me. You can do it. Remember how much you stink even if you cannot smell it yourself if that helps.

I fear you are corrent, bogart. Didn't used to be so.

Moving and uplifting. Remember the people of the town chose Love not hate. I guess most of you posters didn't get THAT message.

Millions Confuse NBC with a television network.

I never purchase anything related to Komen and speak out against them at every opportunity. To turn a women's health issue into a political statement was beyond reprehensible on their part.

Actually, Miles Plumley was drafted 26.

The most troubling issue of this co-existence would be the ads on Second all the protests about the use of fossil fuel being related to some pterosaur's aunt Ginny ... I think if we're going to consider co-existence with something we should focus on Unicorns. Yes. Pretty white Unicorns.

First, "shouting Penis" made me almost fall down laughing. Second, not a fight song but: Most Appropriate: "Yesterday".

Part of the problem (at least for me) is that Taylor is basically an unlikable woman. The huge reptilian mouth, the exhibitions (ie eating the cotton candy as if it were a sex object), she just puts me off. Some of that may have come as a result of a loss of self esteem due to the abuse, but at least some of it is

Classic answer: Yes, all 35 of them.

It always amuses me to read people talking about Africa as tho there is no expectation of the same kind of folks doing the same kinds of things there that they do in the US. You do realize that in one African country (South Africa the one I know and have lived in) ... Joburg is very like any large American

Now that is what I was going to say! (Having nothing else to say, she drifts off in search of other intelligent life.)

Oh come on. I'd kill to have someone tell me I'm too sexy for something. (Contemplates wearing "that" little black dress to Bridge Club this evening.) (Rethinks the lbd and opts for the warmth and comfort of jeans, sigh.)

Dear Sony, After you RUINED SWG I cast a curse on you. Now the only 3 people still playing your darn games are cheaters. Arnold, Herman, Tiger, you know who you are.

Well this is obviously very silly. Wear an Xbox avatar? Mercy me. I mean I'd wear my WOW avatar because she is a kick bootie shadow priestess, but Xbox, oh no how day-trois (spelled that way on purpose, say it with a Mississippi accent.)

Angry BOOBS. No not those, the guy in front and the woman behind her :)

The Mayans knew this was coming.

The baby would have been better off with anyone else, sold or not.

The world ends everyday for some people when they die. And sure someday earth will shuck us off like so many dinosaurs...but I doubt very much if one lunatic somewhere is going to have an "inside tip" on the date either one of those things will occur.

Clearly this Senator has been spending too much time with his World of Warcraft avatar.