
Well that’s because women shouldn’t be working anyway! Especially mothers! Creating a hostile working environment for breastfeeding mothers will help families by pushing women back into the home where they belong! (/s, obvs)

Someone once argued with me that lactating women shouldn’t have any objections to pumping in bathrooms because “milk is just a bodily secretion like urine or poop anyway.” I was a decade away from motherhood at that point, but I still wanted to mix poop in his cereal and see if he continued to believe that milk and

consider this a free peek into your future, khloe k.

As a former nursing mom, I could get all technical about the differences between foremilk and hindmilk and the necessity of pumping for a sustained enough time to get both, but as a former nursing mom I just want to punch that employee in his nuts, which I AM SURE HE HAS despite the lack of gender specificity in the

By her second week back [from maternity leave], Edgington said the Family Dollar store had scheduled the new mom to work several five- to seven-hour shifts alone, with no one to man the register while she pumped milk in the back. After working two shifts without pumping that left her “feverish, engorged, with sharp

According to Edgington, an employee with corporate human resources told her to “run back and forth every couple of minutes to pump in between customers,”

Justin Kirkland at Esquire suggests Dolly Parton

(The Witch Hunt) in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history

Nut milks have been called milk all the way back to proto-Indo-European languages, dating back about three millennia. Dairy farmers are greedy assholes who get fat sucking on the teat of massive government subsidies and then whining about having to compete for market share.

If there’s not an on-board drugstore where I can buy “CONDOMS, ROSE! CONDOMS! CONDOMS! CONDOMS!” this isn’t a real GG cruise.

I take a good long look at anything I’m about to put in my mouth before I do so. I’ve been told this is a weird habit and I’ve noticed that other people don’t do this so apparently that’s my thing. Other folks give their food a perfunctory glance before it goes in their mouth or stare straight forward or at other

Speaking of, I bet Bryan Adams fucking hates this guy

My “unhealthy” (becauseoverweight”) friend can easily run ten miles in one go, and has a resting heart rate that’s half of mine — yet because I’m skinny, no one stops me and tells me to “get healthy.”

It’s not just fat bodies that are demonized — it’s any deviation from the Victoria’s Secret model norm. I’m a straight size, but my postpartum stomach looks like overproofed yeasted dough that’s been punched down by an enthusiastic GBBO baker and I have stretch marks that line my torso from the back of my flanks all

The revolution will not be televised.

4. How many songs did he play? Because if it’s more than one, I would want a chair or a couch to at least sit on. And if it’s just one, that seems like a colossal waste of time, effort, and money.

They got him at the Costco. You have to pay more up front, but you get three Kennys G to a package, so it’s less per G.

So many questions:

100% agree. I’m right on the boarder between gen-z and millennials (recently 22) but my younger sister is 18 and firmly in the gen-z camp and we talk about this stuff a lot. We joke and make snide comments because its all way to scary and pressing to look at face value.

...Women Over 30 Are Having More Babies Than Younger Women