
He should write an apology Letter to the Philippians.

Texts, or workplace IMs. SAY WHAT YOU’RE GONNA SAY.

can’t argue with the facts

OOF. That James kid is UNattractive. He is definitely riding the ‘cute’* accent thing to the Nth degree. He is going to age like raw chicken.

The game was classic Lions. Build a lead quickly by catching the opposing D off guard. Fail to score any meaningful points for the rest of the game. Watch the other team get in gear and slowly march back and take the lead. Complain about a controversial call late in the game that screwed the Lions over (not the 6

As a Lions fan, the silver lining here is that I didn't piss myself after I drank to excess trying to fall asleep last night.


Normally I'd be mad, but I can't be mad at this. Coco looks phenomenal and her baby is cute.

One boob is bigger than her entire baby.

I look at it more as “See, this is what should actually have a waiting period” rather than drawing a direct parallel. Because a lot of the restrictions on abortions would actually be totally reasonable and helpful when applied to gun purchasing.

so many yaaassss

Now we just need to workshop a transvaginal ultrasound equivalent. Transrectal firearm fitting?

Yes! I sent this tip. As someone who knows Stacey Newman personally, I can attest that she is one of the most kick-ass women I have ever met. She is always fighting the good fight for women in Missouri, and is someone we can all be proud of. Plus, she’s super nice, smart, and funny.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to have a baby, but are you suuuuuure you don’t want to have a baby? Maybe you should get pregnant and see!” is sort of what I was getting from this article.

There’s also something creepy about the subtle “accidental pregnancies may make some childfree-by-choicers someone embrace motherhood” message. Sure, it’s true for some, but overall, isn’t giving women as much control over what happens to their body as possible for the best?

A thousand times this. I’m super happy an accidental pregnancy turned out ok for a reasonably well-off white woman. For most of us, an accidental pregnancy would really fuck us over; physically, financially, and mentally.

This is reading really privilege-y to me. There are some who have the privilege of accidental pregnancies being okay, or even welcomed. If that’s you, then don’t get an IUD. No one is making women get IUDs if they don’t want them.

I agree that it is a mistake, but I am definitely excited about expanding my coverage a bit and having more freedom with my columns! I’m trying to look on the bright side, but it is still sad. Ideally, I would love to get a community over there similar to what we had over here. The community here is what I will miss