
All I can think of when I see that Bieber clip is how awkward it can be when someone you’re dating plays their new tunes for you. It’s like do you nod your head, smile slightly, make noises of approval, gaze with adoration. WHAT?!

Two drunks are staggering down an alley.

I am that crotchety old bitch who refuses to read anything to do with beauty or makeup— and this goddamn subblog sucked me in, because it was Real Shit For Real People! I absolutely loved hearing about the real-world problems & solutions & shortcomings & frustrations of so many women who aren’t slaves to the Beauty

Losing Millihelen is the Deepest Cut of all.

Where did you work so that I may never patronize them with my business?

My rage at the loss of Millihelen has started to mellow a bit, but hot DAMN! I’m still mad. As others have said, this was a welcoming, non-judgy little part of the Internet for Laydeeeez, full of insightful commenters bringing their own real world experience. I met Don’tBeSuchaBoobPunchTina, my fellow fortysomething

ugh I also love Milihelen (BEAUTY BOX REVIEWWWWSSSS) and am very sad to see it go

Ugh, I’m going to miss Millihelen so much! The history of makeup series, mall makeovers and product diaries were some of my very favorite beauty reads and I waste A LOT of work time reading about makeup. Also, this was the only place where I was ungreyed. But I look forward to following at The Toast, which I just

It’s true. If there’s one thing Mark enjoys, it’s a healthy dose of gallows humor.

Agree about sincerity and respect. Ms. Ahmed hasn’t tried to argue about her views with anyone in the stories I’ve read, she has just stated her personal position and I’m okay with that.

I imagine accidental butt-dialing is going to be sort of an issue.

It’s nice seeing the power of the black dollar at work. I want more minority owned businesses to do well. I’d rather support Patti’s line of WM goods over Paula Deen’s. Patti should definitely give James a cut of the proceeds. Without him, none of this would have happened. I’ve been to 6 Wal-Marts and all of them are

Pretty sure Denton would swipe Pratt for the super important political stuff at Gawker, Jez is just for silly lady noise now dontcha know.

Caitlin Jenner, stunning and brave and still a gigantic asshole.

Well, no. What Jezebel should have done was keep all the excellent writers it had, instead of Denton retooling it as “the primary voice for celebrity and pop culture coverage in the network.”

You're fucking shitting me, right? For whatever reason you let Colin and Mark go and Pratt is somehow even jokingly a replacement? WHAT MONOGRAMMED THERMOS, FAKE ALLERGY RIDDEN HELL IS THIS BECOMING?!?!?

these dresses are putting the maid in bridesmaid...

Bradford called Fogle’s pedophilia “mild pedophilia.”

“McCarthy also wondered why actors engaged in kissing scenes weren’t required to disclose their HIV status.”