
Also probably a lot of us realized weddings are like planning a party for everyone except yourself, guests including but not limited to family members you don’t like, friends you don’t get along with, in-laws whose opinions of you remain....uncertain, people you don’t know, and alcoholism.

The jig is up, guys.


Honestly, unless your parents are helping you pay for it, how can young people even afford weddings? If you graduate with 60-100k in student loans, then yeah, your wedding is probably on the back burner. Nothing makes me want to vom more than when a chick tells me her parents paid for the whole thing.

I can imagine this is true for just about any big news in a family or with an individual, coming out, divorce, moving, a career change, etc. Even if you want nothing more than to be 10000% supportive, you are only human and your emotions and responses to what reality is and what you thought it was are going to come

In a long term relationship. No marriage. No children..

Haven’t watched the episode but this write up clarifies something that I had been very confused about from the interview, which was that Khloe was having the hardest time dealing with it. It seemed off since she’s played up as the nurturing one, but if that’s how she thinks about herself and she only found out when

So she believes in free rent for herself, but charges rent to others (even though she “doesn’t need the money”)

Follow-up: Can you also please give better background on the players you’re naming? “Chris Paul ran out of gas”, “James Harden on the bench”. Who the fuck are these people? What is their motivation???

thank you!! We were trying to.mix in the Chinese tradition of red weddings. I didn’t feel comfortable wearing a traditional red Chinese gown since I’m not of that culture but we included it in every other way we could. Of course I didn’t know until after everything was planned that ita bad luck for anyone but the

I texted my husband a picture of my boobs when he was out of town once. He texted back a long response about the “dangers of the cloud.”

that being said this post does beg for a jp joke

My dog was our ring bearer. We had him walk with our flower girl, thinking that since she has a 100lb dog at home, she would be able to control our monster.

Not my wedding or my pet, but my sister had a beach wedding that included her two pittie babies and young niece and nephews. One nephew spent the whole ceremony digging himself a hole to sit in and the other (my kid) basically made out with one of the dogs the whole time.

Damn I wish I wasn’t so late now I think this won’t be seen but oh well! We had our dog Bullwinkle be part of our ceremony and stay for the party. We thought he would just chill next to the bridesmaids but he wanted to be front and center for our vows. Our wedding was in the backyard of my in laws so that made it

Not my wedding but my eldest brother.

Our English Bulldog was the ring bearer - there were ribbons attached to his tux to hold the rings, and my nephew walked him down the aisle.

My sister and her husband met at a dog park (I KNOW RIGHT?!) so naturally the dogs were present. His hound was off sniffing the perimeter while her border collie slyly “herded them together.” They got the middle border collie together. Wolf pack! Love!

My wheelchair frenchie Bunny stole the show...