
"We have been getting our tickets stamped and leaving the stadium to piss across the street. That’s takes 5 minutes compared to waiting 45 minutes for the bathroom."

That Nicole Richie quote will never, ever get old.

This might be of interest as well, middle class for 30 cities, via NPR:

That’s all fine and good, but where the hell is Devorah Rose?!?!?

“I edit a beer magazine.”

Honestly, I do not give a rats ass if they think that.

I don’t know if this counts as soft sexism or blatant: I work in the HVAC industry, an industry that is predominantly male. Every time I go to events like expo’s or training seminars it is typically assumed that I am:

People should research Wheel Drop Fee laws in their states. Until the car is fully hooked up (properly strapped and all lights on properly) and completely off the property it is being towed off, they must allow the vehicle operator to stop the tow without paying the full tow charge and additional storage charges. They

That whole family needs to eat a little less cheesy potatoes and a little more kale because all of them have horrible skin.

To me, this is like agreeing to eat only chicken for the rest of your life.

Unfortunate image of Crystal O'Connor via ABC 57.

I can't wait until marriage so I can STOP swallowing

my dad was actually the wardrobe malfunction at my wedding.

At my sister's wedding we did a bunch of photos in the woods outside the venue. It was beautiful, and the photos were absolutely lovely.

You of all people should know!

My second wedding, a beautiful Donna Karen satin gown (40's boudoir), presided over by our Rabbi friend. As Jewish tradition dictates, we retreated from the wedding to "consecrate" our vows. In the old times, it was for the groom to verify the bride's virginity, but as we had our children from previous marriages

"What must Jameis prove?"

My wedding dress had very thin little straps on the shoulders. While greeting guests in the receiving line, I went to give an old friend a hug and felt something snap. I looked down and my strap had broken off and I was about a second away from a nip slip. Thankfully I noticed it immediately and was able to hold my

My zipper broke during pictures, half an hour before the ceremony. So the moms had to sew me into it. My husband had to cut the zipper off later. (Not in like a sexy way, like in a "we have to get up at 4 am and still have shit to do" way.)

I live in Palm Springs.