
She’s gorgeous. I hope she’s angling for a modeling career because this is probably not going to make her very popular in serious artist circles

I unabashedly want her life!

I thought that move was called the Xanax shuffle?

Oh dear, Victoria. I would feel bad but she clearly did this to herself.

They are so chic!! Malia could absolutely be a model with those legs for days. I wish I was that glam at her age

My takeaway was HAHA BITCH I ALREADY HAVE THAT KITCHENAID STAND MIXER AND I DIDN’T EVEN HAVE TO GET MARRIED FOR IT because my family is lovely and loves my homemade baked goods.

CHIC!! I love the unfrosted layer look, so beautiful

I agree, my dad did the same thing to me because I was a little brat who wouldn’t brush her long curly hair. The pixie cut (which was professionally done by a hairstylist and NOT by my father) was not cute on a fat 7 year old but it also didn’t ruin my life. But my dad was also not abusive and didn’t do this to

I understand you, turtle

Is she notoriously annoying? Because I CANNOT STAND her on this season of Masterchef. She’s way too overdramatic and self-serious about literally everything, even by normal kooky Masterchef standards.

I once saw a guy bring a Milk Chug into a hot yoga class instead of a water bottle and almost vomited on my mat. Maybe it works, but GROSS

Fundamentalist anything - avoid. Avoid.

That airline is called Southwest and that’s the reason I never fly on it. I will happily pay extra for my baggage so that I don’t have to wedge my ass between screaming toddlers. I have the issue with it, so I pay to avoid the issue.

Mouth literally dropped at this one, amazing!!

I agree. Neither my BF nor I can remember our exact number because we were whores in college but that was a BONDING moment for us. It also helps that neither of us is jealous or has strict views about monogamy.


Yep, so much this. When my dad came out a few years ago, even though I’ve been an ally of the LGBTQ community since grade school, and even though I’ve supported many close friends through their own coming out processes - my immediate reaction was to be angry with him for lying to my mom (and us kids) for 20 years.

LOVE THIS PIC!!! And people say pitties aren’t good with kids

Beautiful pup and wedding!! I love all the red details

WHERE ARE THE PICS, BULLY BRIDE?? Having a bully ringbearer is my dream. Boyfriend’s puggle will be the flower girl. We don’t know/like any children :)