
There is no build up?? The girl literally has not been able to touch anyone HER WHOLE LIFE. Just wondering, as a human being, would you not be desperate for touch? For sex? And she clearly wishes she could do the normal touching things with David all the time. They even foreshadow this with the bit of them looking out

I don't even think she was an actress. She was like a props assistant on something and was a hard ass growly ciggy smoking bitch with all the boys and someone was like, you should get this in front of the camera.

I think she was real, as Lenny in the hospital. She is now dead. Also real was Benny, who was not in the hospital. The Parasite has now taken on Lenny's form, and is replacing Benny with Lenny in all his memories.

I don't think there are odds. I think that's why she is there.

I love these situations where you have a very good actor like Skarsgard who gets the chance to be opposite a great actor like Kidman. You can see his performance being elevated by working with her.

Maybe the murder is all the parents ganging up on this teacher because she is absolutely the worst lol

Whatever, Still love this movie. In the so-bad-its-good / it's delightful category

Sidebar. I was obsessed with Jacob Clifton's True Blood recaps, and I am very sad they no longer exist. Does anyone know what he is up to these days? (Also was obsessed with his American Idol recaps and I didn't even watch AI)

I have not read the book, but that is my dominant theory at the moment. That Madeline kills Eddie because she finds out he is / has slept with Abigail. What is great about this series is that there is not one note, from the actors performances to the shot choice that is not intentional and calculated to add to the

Obsessed with him the The Vicious Kind. One of my top fave performances ever.

I mean, it's barely subtext at this point. you are absolutely supposed to all but KNOW that the kid is a child of her rape….. And no I have not read the book either !!

It's called context. She's discussing the omission of a trans person, so the important point about Moonlight in the context of what she was saying was that it was an LGBT movie.

No way in hell dude. With anyone else it would never have worked

Terrible. I had this conversation with many people, including people who loved it. The mix on the opening scene is atrocious. Almost like they didn't want you to hear the good singing those people were serving, so that you didn't start comparing once the leads started singing.

"even the supposedly escapist pop culture films were lacking in much positivity"
This is a very good point I hadn't really thought about much !

I thought it was insinuated that he may have killed himself? Juliana says they had a fight and she chased him and "thought he would actually do it" so maybe the other Tagomi DID do whatever she thought he would do? Maybe he is dead?

I thought their reactions were perfect to the situation. They are very close friends, who are also close professionally and of course are wondering if what they did was going to mess everything up. I don't think it is regret so much as nervousness and sort of ambiguity about how they actually want to proceed now that

It's so lame that BP never sings. She's also an incredible actress. But what a waste! Also what happened to her thing with Pavel??

I thought that it was blatantly obvious that is what she was doing from the start….. it's weird that no reviewers pick up on it …

What! Not constantly on cable?? Have you never dropped an entire Sunday on the abc family Harry Potter marathon??