
DD Season 2 was generally a mess, but the final rooftop fight was one of my fave scenes in both seasons.

I have laughed so hard i cried twice this season. The first time is when Lindsay stabs Paul. The second was Vernon's line about the dog.

Wait, I feel like I was seeing trailers for this like years ago…

Over $1000 is even a stupid stupid amount of $$ to spend on a show. However in this particular case, no matter how much you did spend, in the moment of seeing the show you will not regret it.

Right?? I keep kicking myself because I absolutely could have gotten tickets many times over. I knew it was going to be big, but not like this !!

I guess it's because they established he had to come back and give her the news himself? Or they wouldn't have confirmation? Seems a dumb place to write yourself in to

Just because there are some other shows with strong female leads makes this one less important for it? And Claire is not just strong, she's complicated, and sort of a total f** up - she's a Great woman character.
Plus, my point was not simply that it featured a strong female lead, but that the sex and romance was

I wish they had let the house go, it would have made all the wedding stuff and the 2nd half of the season make so much more sense for all of them. Fiona would have married Sean because she needed the stability and the home, and all the pretend would have been to convince herself that that wasn't the true reasons. The

I would agree the reviewer didn't make that case at all. But I would also agree that the show is important, In so much as you care about the impact of what people see on TV on their lives, and whether you actually think ANY TV is important, thats really up to you as a person. But as someone who does think TV can be

How how how could you make this list without Mickey and Ian from Shameless?

They do have separate category for miniseries. They are just not listed here for some reason

I don't understand HOW Oscar Isaac was not nominated for Show Me a Hero. That was the best performance by anyone in anything this year.

It's an interesting point, but I think they handle it just fine. They definitely don't shy away from how horrible it was. I mean Luke's lines you quoted in the article…those are lines that make your stomach turn and think about exactly what it is she did. But I also think that exploring her motivations for that should

I didn't even want Keaton to win, but that made me sooooo sad that now i retroactively wish he did.

When is the damn beard phase going to end???

Maybe it was just me, but Megz dance was giving me serious anxiety. It felt like it was half as fast as it was supposed to be, I like wanted to fast forward it to match the music. Not sure if it was because he wanted it that way or because Megz couldn't handle it, but man it made me feel weird.
Also, its sort of

I read it as continuing to accentuate how fat he's become

I'm actually so glad he's not playing Spidey anymore, only because he was one of my favorite up and coming actors, and once he got cast in that role he basically vanished outside the films, which were not good through no fault of his own. Excited to see him back in dramatic and some indie roles where I think he is

Oh me too, it's sort of terrible? but I can't stop watching.

I'm kind of all about Showtime, They have the most $$ and they let shows go on forever even if no one is watching. If they can keep supporting Penny Dreadful, they can support this!