
Oh man I saw it twice - once in the live Broadcast when he did it in UK and once live at BAM. Incredible.

Also from real life boning

JORAH JORAH. A++ for Jorah action. - one + for not enough. Steller face work from the
King of the North as usual. Also think Gendry developed a coke habit in his downtime.

Thank You!!!! I was like, did we watch two different versions???
Do you think Reviewers got like preview copies that change?? What a bizarre mistake….

Yeah I can not get through even the first section. He should include his own narration on this list.

Gods willing!

Yes you are wrong. There ya go!

Hahahaha oh man. What a comment. So much to unpack.

Jon Snow is Al Gore.

No Jorah, so I give it a C. Though it does earn a few points for Jon's amazingly inappropriate reactions to… everything.

Yeah. I dont think necessarily that Tom has seen the hardcore stuff yet, but I am fairly certain this is leading us to some sort of rape-porn ring that at least a couple of these men partake in.

Yeah that battle choreography was some of the best so far.

Moonlight literally fits none of the things you said except for maybe the limited release, though I am pretty sure they went wider with it a it picked up steam.

70MM on the extra large screen. The IMAX is a bonus, but the 70MM is really where the beauty is.

I agree, about the pre-release cycle, but they do have to make sure they sell those tickets. 70MM is mad expensive!

agreed. I also got a nifty souvenir booklet. Step up your game Nolan.

Lol Kenya Barris is a dude

I mean, it's a bit out there but nothing especially "crraaaaaazy" about it? I mean she is not wrong that our existence is based on the existence of the sun? Sort of missing why this makes her the same as a certified lunatic wife beater who no one will work with anymore because he's so awful….

Euron Greyjoy is acting in a completely different show than everyone else and I am here. for. It.

Trolls gunna troll