
This is so so sad. It didn't help that they don't put the show on Hulu. Or probably even count the people who watch the show on their website. Don't they Know that NO ONE has TV anymore and NO ONE watches shows as they air?? Especially the people who watch Hannibal.

I mean, I doubt it. I think it was more one of those weird serendipity moments where certain similar things seem to be popping up all over the place.
But yeah, I agree. True Detective was a good show and I enjoyed it, but I got into Hannibal about halfway through TD season and as soon as I did, I started to cool off

Meh, just watch Hannibal

Yeah, I thought the middle bit was really strange. Can't really recall that part of the books, but I feel like there had to be something more interesting they could have been doing….

I completely agree - and also his relationship with Claire suffers for it, since she spends most of her time looking annoyed at him and/or teaching him lessons, instead of falling more in love with him and Lallybroch.

It's interesting, because as much as these book's plots can come off as ridiculous soap opera-ish (and I am not complaining about that) they are in a way almost too subtle for TV. I think they are doing a phenomenal job so far, but this episode - as it does deviate from the books - shows just how smart and thought

B+?? This might have been one of my favorite episodes of the series so far. Great action choreo! Jaime in leather! Not hating Stannis! You know Nothing John Snow!!!!

I beg to differ, Jane Eyre was fantastic and totally captured the books creepy and romantic tones.

Hmm This looks pretty boring, but not discounting it yet because A. The first Guardians trailer was also terrible and the movie was great. B. I have and will continue to maintain that Paul Rudd is the only man who has truly always been there for me.

There were so many great moments from Gellis like that, earlier Claire quoting someone from moderns times (forgive I can't remember who at the moment) and the little look Gellis gives Her before responding "well said"

I had the same reaction. Damn leather shirt fierceness

Additionally, I tried to text this VERY EXCITING news to all my friends and auto correct turned his name into Swan Mache Ego. THANKS OBAMA.

Man, I think you are just wrong - sorry. This was the best episode by far! Other commenters have pointed to specific things in their comments so I won't repeat. but really I think you should give it another watch. Also the moment when Ben is about to write the article and Fisk steps out was so good. I did not see that

No snark, I would honestly love to hear Wiki Leaks explanation of WHY they belong in the public domain.

StubHub is at the top of my list of things I hate, probably directly following the Post Office.

Damn, I'd never heard this song before - but it seemed so familiar…

They were pretty pricey. We paid $50 bucks for ours and they were not great seats (however, because he decided to film it for this special, we got moved to a better section - yay!)

Melissa Leo is an amazing actress, and deserved that award - but she campaigned her FACE off for that Oscar. He techniques (such as her full page FYC Ad of herself) were actually rumored to be turning off some voters. which is probably what she was referencing making a similar statement…

I don't know… I think I am out after this season ends. Mindy is best when it is just focusing on small things - Like the almost anal sex episode - and wringing smart comedy out of it. Normally I wouldn't care if a sitcom has minor plot and character inconsistencies, but this show is ALL plot ALL the time. SO MUCH

I love everyone and everything about this show, but man Adam Scott is the MVP. Literally every second he is doing something hilarious, and it's all so quiet. For me he can steal a scene even when standing almost off camera out of focus.