That hair is fucking bananas.
That hair is fucking bananas.
And I fucking love Toby Ziegler.
I'm team Mellie. You can come hang out with me on lonely island.
She's so wonderful. I think my favourite part of the conversation was when she slipped a quick little 'like' in there. I forget what the context was, but it was something along the lines of
Chocolate milk just came out my nose.
I'm a teacher, and got hit in the face by a soccer ball today doing yard duty at recess. It hurt like hell. But I probably should have looked both ways before wandering into the middle of a rambunctious soccer game. The kids felt bad, and thought they were going to get in trouble for hitting a teacher. Poor little…
My kitty has always been more of a bag girl, than a box girl. Also, this is my favourite kind of Jezebel discussion
I see the Scandal cast is nearly constantly on Twitter, interacting with fans. Bellamy Young (Mellie) once responded to me (I asked her a question having nothing to do with Scandal). And I think God, as fun as it may have been for them in the first place, that has to be freaking exhausting to be expected by your…
This comment made chocolate milk come out of my nose. So thanks for that.
I was unaware you resided in Pawnee.
Unfortunate angle or terrifying dress? Something is... happening.
Maybe she asked them not to air it but they did anyways? There was actually 2 pilots.... the earliest version had Rachel Dratch in the 'Jenna' role. It was strange.
In an interview I saw with Janney, she said she loved the hours and having a studio audience to work of because it reminded her of her days in theatre. And the character made her laugh.
The 30 Rock pilot is so unbearable Tina Fey specifically tells fans NOT to watch it and won't let it air in syndication.
YES! I watched it and there were a few really funny lines, but I kept getting distracted by the laugh track. I had almost ignored it until at one point they "awwweeeddd" the little boy, and the "wooooo!!" whenever Janney flirted with the waiter. It's unbearable.
I read too quickly, and thought it said "Allison Janney isn't the worst" (implying that you thought she would be) and I was all, excuse me?!
I once had 3 different Jessica B's in my class. Their names were all Jessica and last names all started with B. I think we had to go with short Jess, Jessica, and tall Jess.
I teach kindergarten in southern Ontario. This post is entirely correct.
My first name is 'Erin' (Spoiler alert: I'm a girl) and this was totally my grade 4 jam. I would make them play it at school dances and sing it. Woo..!
Her dress looked even better in video form than in photo. When she moved it was all swooshy and had slits so you could see hints of leg. Damn Janney and your reverse-againing witchcraft!