
YES ME TOO. And I just assumed that had some association with cool, I guess?

She also had botched throat polyp surgury a few years after Jedi when she blew her vocal cords doing a Broadway thing. That definitely contributed too.

I never expected this of Grace Florrick.

Reading ‘The Giving Tree’ to my first graders a few weeks back. It scared the shit out of them, bless their little hearts.

I think her and Clooney are still good friends. He was the first one to jump up and hug her when she won a Golden Globe a few years back. And I’m pretty sure he was at her wedding. And she presented him with that humanitarian award a few years back.

I assumed the greater problem would be the potential for blackmail of those individuals in higher positions of power.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes, no matter how cute.

Please be available in Canada, please be available in Canada!

I work in a Canadian school, and we are legally not allowed to apply sunscreen to children. Which is ridiculous and so frustrating. But we can’t. The kids have to put it on themselves, which in kindergarten, is hilarious.

Wait really?? Well shit. Base tan has always worked for me, so I assumed. I get one bad burn at the beginning of the year. And then it turns into a tan, and I very rarely get burnt for the rest of the summer. I swear this is a thing for me.

Wait, are you just lumping Celine in there with Nickelback? That’s not okay.

I fucking wish Anne Murray was performing. She’s wonderful.

Needs more Janney!

You beat me to it. Maybe he can select a few candidates from the BINDERS FULL OF WOMEN that he apparently is/was in possession of.

Max Von Sydow is actually in the new Star Wars movie though!

Nothing at all! They're just not the first that come to mind when considering enormously gifted actors. And that's fine.

I got to the end of the trailer and went, oh hey, Abigail Breslin?!

I’m most interested in seeing Billie Lourd; the blonde in the peach dress, also the earmuffs(?)

The tiny blonde is Carrie Fisher’s daughter. The one with the earmuffs in some scenes, who looks exactly like Debbie Reynolds. Curious to see how she does. Celebrity kids can go the Jamie Lee Curtis/Liv Tyler route, or, you know, the other way.

Fun fact: Carrie Fisher script doctored a ton of dialogue on that movie. She completely rewrote the Barrymore role. So that probably accounts for a decent amount.