I kind of love that the site it is listed on is called “HotPad.”
I kind of love that the site it is listed on is called “HotPad.”
Let’s hope that when they’re of a age to vote there will still be elections, and that they won’t be gerrymandered out.
Some kids are smart.
She is, but she’s still basically a kid. She comes off as “teenage girl trying very, very hard to be an adult” to me. Very possible that she didn’t fully comprehend the extreme shit that someone with Scott’s connections and level of fame (especially since what he’s famous for is basically partying) could get him until…
Honestly, it probably was the early voting. I think I saw 250K early voting ballots had been collected as of yesterday.
Brings to mind the episode of 40 Rock where Liz (who thought she was bullied by everyone in high school) finds out everyone else thought SHE was the bully. (And I think I maybe remember Tina Fey describing this happening in her real life too in her book?)
Self-righteousness? Bad acting?
I don’t know what it is about Ruby Rose, but I dislike her in an unreasonable way.
So alpha, yo.
Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?
Pretending to be someone else because you don’t want to get into a confrontation with a woman is extremely alpha, imo
Good! If we can be gerrymandered because political affiliation isn’t a protected class then BY GOD we can show these assholes what being unprotected means!
Why would it be transphobic to play a character of a different gender?
Bobby Moynihan, too. That’s the one that really guts me. :(
Not since Lorena Bobbit have we encountered a woman who so efficiently disposed of a Weiner.
Three things: First, I’m glad he lived long enough to be kicked out of Fox, but not long enough to enjoy his severance package. Second, if the outside hatred is what killed him, then hooray for us. Third,
“the vast majority of Fox employees were sad” about his exit, and that the outside hatred towards him is what “killed him.”
Those two things are no longer mutually exclusive.
I really think he could have been president someday but he decided to be a creepy perv instead. Shame.