Nancy Sin

Here’s the thing. There are some bold statements saying that women are overshadowed by people like Antonoff. My question is, who thinks that? Seriously, who? Does anyone actually believe that the hundreds of millions of Taylor Swift fans believe or think this? The ONLY people who think this are people that are either

No one should be forced to minimize their own role in a collaborative effort, just as no one should claim sole credit for work that is done in collaboration. The issue is not with Antonoff, but with the media coverage of him.

“My life is ruined because I like beer!” - a sniveling, whiny, man-child who just wanted to be a Supreme Court justice and has never done anything wrong in his entire life, and didn’t even have an erection until he was 35, he swears.

Your first line literally gives two reasons why he deserved to be sacked as the editor...

Is the world so bereft of male talent that these few precious writers, comedians, directors, chefs, politicians, executives, judges, etc., etc., and of course etc. must be “rehabilitated” at all costs? Are their works so important, so poignant, so critical to our understanding of the human condition that to lose them

I am  too hangover to understand it


she 100% cheated on him with ashton.

Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible

melania? is that you?

you’re so much wittier than i thought!

For the millionth time, in regards to every Trump and every member of Trump’s administration:

Casually refers to Dykstra as a ‘whore’.
Implies the only POSSIBLE explanation for this story is a ‘career boost’.
Openly wishes for more porn over truth-telling about abuse.
Concludes the only way to be ‘genuine’ is to 100% confirm his narrative.

Wow, you seem like a pretty genuinely awful person. I was going to say more, but no that suffices. You’re awful.

Go fuck yourself.

“People arent allowed to speak publicly about how someone hurt them because the person who hurt them might get hurt.”

The angry nerds are going to attack Chloe while Hardwick’s comedian and actor friends slowly distance themselves away from the whole situation trying not to give a comment in case this somehow gets swept under the rug. Fuck Chris Hardwick and this horrible entitled nerd culture!

I would argue that reporting on this is a further violation of Perry, whether she was or was not a victim of Luke’s. It doesn’t feel like she had any agency in this breaking and that’s gross even if she’s a public figure I’m not particularly interested in

If this is true, I can understand how Davidson would do this so quickly considering he has BPD which lends itself to impulsive behavior, but wtf is Grande thinking? 

You may change your mind about this as you age.

“I think have monogamy. I must have caught it from you people”.