
I feel this is 100% a wishful thinking thing, by women who got married early and have NO IDEA how hard it is to be dating when you're in your 40s and beyond. I cannot tell you the number of women I've spoken to who saw their marriages end and spoke to me, a long-time single person, about how they were looking forward

You poor misled things — Kristen Stewart was always her truest self in high-dandy, soft-butch form. She would, I have no doubt, make an excellent David Bowie circa his Thin White Duke era. She is not femme; to put her in women's weeds and bedeck her honest, strong-boned face in paint was an insult to the hand of

For years, everyone in the world has misunderstood Kristen Stewart's compressed emotional range. They thought it meant she was a limited actress; it means nothing of the kind. She is John Wayne being forced to play the Maureen O'Hara character. Give her a rail to lean against during a sunset, a military jacket, a

Tell me more about you super awesome and unbeatable online argument style. You just burned me right good! I just don't even know how id defend myself. Smh at me!

More like the sound of someone vanishing up their own ass.

I agree. If Minnesotan women need a strong, outdoorsy guy they don't need to look far. The Lumberjack fantasy is pretty strong, one only has to look at one of the comment sections on lumberjack romance novels to prove it. Why fantasise about men in plaid kilts walking around ruined castles, when they have men in

The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.

As a Scotsman, nothing amuses me more than someone fanning themselves and getting all misty-eyed and moistly-undergarmented about my accent or some random feature of my appearance (according to one particularly crazy individual about ten years back, it's my eyes. Yes, love, they're blue. And yes, they *are* a nice

AGAIN, let me recommend the Parasol Protectorate. The Protagonist's love interest?

Liz Taylor was fat, and Princess Anne, well, I won't go there. Point is, she wasn't saying anything that others weren't saying at that time, albeit less publicly or at least less bluntly. Baby North is not ugly in any way and it's not her fault that her parents are not likable. Back when Taylor was a political wife

Let's wait 50 years and see what kind of facial technology the Kardashians have resorted to.

I love her too. The woman's been pushed down by everyone and she keeps coming back stronger. I have to respect that. She's eighty years old and still working harder than most in Hollywood. So she goes for the easy joke every now and again- so what.

"Kim and Khloe both don't want drama"

Love Joan despise the Kardashians. Go Joan.

Just pay your damn parking ticket.

He is ABSOLUTELY trolling us.

Filed to: Things That Make White People Mad