
You were very helpful, thanks!

Yes, and they are very nimble because they aren’t a giant corporation, so they’ve been able to innovate very quickly. The big guys are going to start catching up soon. I’m on the corporate side of beauty, and I 100% agree with your prediction.

I find it deliciously ironic that the 2nd amendment fans are happily accepting that Americans should live surrounded by armed policemen, checking on their classmates and neighbours’ funny behaviours so they can call the authorities on them, and peeking over their shoulders at all times, because the alternative (gun

“A guy walks into a crowded theater and yells “FIRE!!” The audience panics and makes a mad-dash to the door, trampling several slower people in the process. The guy then drops to the ground and stop-drop-rolls to continue his bit that the building is on fire. The audience is shocked that the fire door has been jammed

No my comment wasn’t nuanced. I didn’t claim it was. My comment was a lazy quickie. My specialty. I said I was poking you because YOU need a little nuance (ie: lighten the fuck up a little).

Philadelphia police do this on purpose; they know acting like the hard asses in ferguson, cleveland etc leads to greater violence, escalations, etc. Other cities should try it sometime. Unless people are fighting or endangering lives they will NOT intervene. I have been an official observer at several mass

I think that reinforces the point though — the conversation here should be a lot more nuanced and handled more deftly. I’m in my 30s now and I know how to say no, but pretty much throughout my 20s as I explored my sexuality I consistently ran into situations that I didn’t know how to handle. There’s a lot of pressure

Also, binge Travelers. The second season just hit Netflix.

That throne room battle literally turned me from “Ugh all these people shipping Kylo/Rey go find a better toxic ship” to “OMG I AM REYLO TRASH SIGN ME UP FOR THIS SHIP NOW!”

Disappointed Marvel’s Agents of Shield didn’t make the cut with its amazing previous season.

Support for a crime bill that her husband had to support if he wanted to raise taxes on the wealthy. The Republicans would have filibustered any tax hike otherwise, rates would have remained largely the same, and Clinton would be just another “well-meaning but ineffectual” Democrat, and the Republicans would have come

its called a dog whistle for a reason friend

Thank you, Dr. Walker. Thank you.

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.

You can practically read his thoughts ‘Holy shit I’m Aquaman this is awesome’

Same. Plus, can you imagine the Gwyneth gossip she could dish?!

I miss the movie premieres of that time. People didn’t get all gussied up, they just made a fun evening of it and she and Johnny always showed up stoned and dressed like scarecrows.

And then conveniently cut eye holes in and wear for their evening out to the nice cross burning.

Thank you for your comment, JediKiller92