Ha ha. Fuck him.
Ha ha. Fuck him.
And the prize for Most Compassionate goes to....
And the prize for most compassionate goes to...
I fucking wish! I’m a teacher in the States and I have never been given a dozen bottles of wine or chocolate for any event, let alone summer freaking break! We get paid bupkis and we get no wine.
Why does anyone are about this garbage sport anymore? Between the CTE, the racism and the sexual assault, it really baffles me. Fuck the NFL. Don’t wait for the courts to deal with it. (We see how well that works) Just stop fucking watching.
Why is Santino Rice walking Gaga’s dog?
Clapton has always been a fucking asshat. He was a big Keep England White dick bag so this is no surprise. Also he one good album 50 years ago.
So we’re going from Groucho Marx to Alien Overlord just like that?
Well, Rayanne is a countess now, so suck on that, Angela.
Exactly. She must have a “team” so WHY WAS NOBODY PROTECTING HER????????
They look like a couple from a high school French book.
I don’t want to be behind them in yoga class.
Everyone’s favorite dress to love to hate, but it was and is perfect. If I had been a 20-year-old girl in 1981, who thought I was going to be queen one day, this is exactly the dress I’d have chosen, and so would you.
They must have cringed the moment she walked on the plane. The crop-top hoody. Her tiddy flying out mid-punch. I bet she was wearing flip-flops too.
Dang, lady. Get it.
I wake up every day in pain and work on-line. I have managed to never ever show anyone my bird.
Je rejette.
If only the response weren’t so totally Boomer: a) Telling us how “sick and tired” they are. b) A gendered, belittling response. c) Taking a piece about abuse and making themselves the victim. d) Giving orders.